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Everything posted by Largemouth21

  1. Which one do you recommend. the emotion stealth 11 angler is on sale at cabelas for 350$ instead of 450$. Let me know if you find one thanks
  2. Which one do you recommend I like the stealth and the renegade xt. The stealth 11 angler is on sale at cabelas right now for 100$ off so now it's only 350$!!!!
  3. Thanks I will try to replace the old mesh on my short handled net with the rubber stuff. About 30$ Replacement rubber which makes the net cost 31$ altogether haha. Do you think the 20 by 23 rubber mesh would fit on the 20 by 18.5 frame? It is a scoop type net if you know what I mean so it might take a few extra inches of net
  4. Is it ok for a beginner who has never kayaked before. I have a canoe that is heavy slow and tracks terrible and has hard plastic seats with no back rest so it will be an improvement. All the reviews say it's decent FOR THE MONEY.
  5. Has anyone used the sit on top sun dolphin Bali 12 foot kayak? What do you think about it? Is it a good value?
  6. That's a 500$+ kayak!!!!! Do you know any under 400$ that's my budget
  7. Anyone know any good fishing kayaks under 400$ I'm looking for the sit on top kind
  8. Why would the 1 piece be thicker though it seems like it would be the opposite
  9. I hit up cabelas today and looked at the rod I am going to get. Ugly stick elite 7 ft medium action. There was a 1 piece and a 2 piece the 1 piece seemed thicker. I liked the 2 piece because of thinness. but I hate when 2 piece rods come apart during cast. Transportation isn't an issue but the 1 piece is thicker though. What I'm trying to say is the 1 piece is thicker but it won't come apart during cast. The 2 piece seems thinner but can come apart, break easier and also not as sensitive. Also this is the rod I want so don't recommend rods please.
  10. Thanks I will try to replace the old mesh on my short handled net with the rubber stuff. About 30$ Replacement rubber which makes the net cost 31$ altogether haha. Do you think the 20 by 23 rubber mesh would fit on the 20 by 18.5 frame? It is a scoop type net if you know what I mean so it might take a few extra inches of net
  11. I am going to soon purchase a kayak a (relatively) cheap one (about 400$) it is the Lifetime Muskie Angler sit-on-top Fishing Kayak. My question: should I use a long handle or a short handle for a landing net. No I can't just lip the fish there are plenty of pike in the lake that would enjoy chomping on my hand if I tried to land them. I have a net with a short handle but it has the rope mesh that hurts the fish. I couldn't find the right size rubber replacement net but could use a bigger or smaller replacement bag from frabill if that would work. (The net is a yard sale 1$ special with a perfect frame and handle if it would work in a kayak I just need a rubber net bag. The frame dimensions are about 20 inches wide and about 18.5 inches long. It is the scoop type net by the way. There is a 17 by 19 inch rubber replacement there is a 20 by 23 inch and a 23 by 26 inch.
  12. Thanks for the help and advice. I found the reel for 45$ or so on the Walmart site. I'm not sure why everything is so cheap there haha.
  13. I have several 35 and 40 series reels if I need more capacity. My 35 shakespeare reel has about the same capacity as the 3000 RG-AB. I use Trilene XL which is the far casting low memory version of the Trilene Line. The RG-AB 2500 holds 170 yards of 8 lb mono. Which is PLENTY for bass. It weighs 8.8 ounces and has almost 9 lbs of drag which is also plenty.The 2500 is lighter so I probably will choose the 2500. Plus i like the handle on the 2500 better. It has a normal handle instead of that stupid power handle.
  14. Unfortunately it's a Limited Edition Size 40. sorry:( pretty sure that's not what u want Any problems with line coiling up/ memory on the 2500? I've heard that the small reels will coil up the line and cause memory I know all reels will have some line coiling/memory but is there a lot with 8 pound mono on the 2500?
  15. Nah... I like Berkely Trilene XL its very limp and easy to handle I fish in clear water with lots of snags so I really can't be retying my leader all the time but thanks for the suggestion
  16. I am using 8 pound mono for Mostly bass. But some walleye and bluegill. In the lakes I fish you can't help but catch a few pike but they're all about 2-3 feet they call them "hammer handle pike" Anyway what I'm trying to ask is will the 2500 cause more line twist because of the bigger spool? I fish clear water so braid isn't an option and the water has lots of snags so I really don't want to be retying a leader all the time so mono is my choice. Primary target species would be bass and walleye. When I said possibly pike I mean that I can't help but catch some pike because there is a lot of pike in this lake that I bass fish in. I have a size 40 reel loaded with 10 lb mono for specifically pike. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  17. Won't the small spool of the size 2500 cause line twist and memory or not?
  18. Decided on a budget rod and reel combo. Thanks for the help all! Rod 7 foot medium (possibly medium light I still need to check the rods out at a store) action Ugly Stik Elite. 60$ and Daiwa RG-AB. The problem is that I cant decide between size 3000 and 2500. the size 3000 weighs as much as my size 40 Pflueger President Limited Edition. I suppose I will have to look them over in the store. I learned that the hard way by buying the President LE without even holding it. I bought it on just reviews and I hate that reel. Its not even that smooth for 80$. Wish I could take it back now but it's too late Haha Anyway size 2500 or 3000. (8lb mono line and Species would be mostly Largemouth Bass, But also Bluegills Walleyes and Possibly Pike.
  19. Thanks,let me know if you have one
  20. Finally decided on a spinning reel......... Daiwa RG-AB size 3000 8lb mono. One problem though. The big ol fat T-bar handles. They are annoying. The funny thing is that the size 2000 and 2500 have the "normal" handles. If i bought a size 2000 or 2500 handle would it work on the size 3000? Or should I man up and deal with the handle. I found the RG-AB for 50$ on Walmart.com.
  21. I am trying very hard to decide on a reel and I've narrowed it down to 3 choices, Daiwa Revros, Daiwa RG-AB and Pflueger President. I've never held an RG-AB but I've heard that their better than the Revros and the Revros is definitely smoother than the President. Anybody ever use the RG-Ab? I know the President would probably outlast the Revros but I'm not sure about the RG-AB. Anybody have any suggestions??? Also how the heck do you grip those "T" style handles. They drive me nuts. (Probably because I'm not used to them )
  22. Thanks for the info. How do you put them on? Also will they work on all Daiwas? Thanks Again i appreciate people on here always helping me with my fishing.
  23. Is Ardent Reel butter oil ok to put on the worm gear of my Abu Garcia Pro Max. Or should i use Abu Garcia oil. Theres a small amount of oil/grease still on the worm gear and I've heard horror stories of oils/greases of different brands getting gummy inside reels. The reel isnt dirty but it just needs some more oil on the worm gear. Thanks in advance
  24. thanks! i looked around and couldn't find one. i geuss i will find a different reel.
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