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Everything posted by Largemouth21

  1. they were small eggs so unfortunately I couldn't use them. Thanks for the info. I was pretty happy about catching it.
  2. I caught my first Coho Salmon today and it sure was fun. When cleaning it I noticed it had eggs inside. I thought salmon spawned in the fall. What is happening?
  3. Pliers are one of the easiest (and worst) things to leave behind. At least you didnt catch any pike. Your hands would probably look like raw hamburger
  4. I don't think its an issue. He's your friend... If it was a stranger it would be different. Fishing Spot Vultures get me frustrated sometimes too although sometimes i will give my spot to a young kid if they aren't catching anything.
  5. Snakes and turtles are cool too! yes!! nice! I had some Oscars, very neat fish
  6. Saw this on lews website. It says that the Rod is new. It's pretty inexpensive, anyone own one?
  7. Thats really neat, a lot of professional fishermen are ******... At least theres a few nice ones
  8. Pretty soon we will see a similar picture but with a 10 pounder. Nice work always good to take kids fishing.
  9. Anybody else keep fish?
  10. This... My local walmart did this recently and the same results, no sale. Walmart still beats most places for price though.
  11. I always thought Scott Martin was cool. I'd fish with him (Probably not going to happen)
  12. Bring a friend, or two, and snorkel for it. Supposedly the iPhone 7 is waterproof so you may get lucky. Good Luck!!
  13. If the water is clear, then go snorkeling there and pick up some new gear. Thats what I'd do
  14. X2 Excactly what I was going to say.
  15. Just saw this post, I cant find that part. I must have lost it. Oh well the reel still works at least. Next time i'll send the reels your way... Probably next winter sometime
  16. Personally I like them better than the Xbolts. Nice rifles, I'm thinking about one in .270 for Whitetails.
  17. have you had any trouble with the vendetta breaking? Also I have heard that Abu Garcia rods tend to run heavier than rating. Is the Vendetta still light enough for most light baits. Thanks!
  18. Abu Garcia Vengeance seems like a nice rod for 50$ but I have heard horror stories of them snapping and having eye inserts pop out and having other problems. I have heard good things about the Lightning rod but the Vengeance feels really great in my hand. So much lighter than my old Ugly Stik (Obviously) Has anybody had breaking trouble? or is the Vendetta worth the extra 30$ Thanks!
  19. You wont be disappointed, especially for that price range.
  20. Yes this is an old thread but whatever... If you havent already, BUY THE RG! Its lighter and smoother for like 10-20$ more (depending where you buy it). The Revros seems solid too. If you already bought one, how do you like it.
  21. Uni-to -Uni works good...
  22. Haha I thought that the Ugly stik Elite was light! probably just because the GX2 i had before it was so heavy. Have you had any of the tips on the Tourney Trail break? I've read they can snap easily.
  23. Thanks. I will have to feel them both to decide, you are probably right though. Do you know who makes their rods?
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