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Everything posted by crayon7

  1. Im not here to start any fighting or anything else. The fish were caught in the wild and can be realsed back into the wild. As long as your not throwing any kind of exotic fish or a whole crap load of goldfish (which is what people do here in texas) into the water than there is nothing wrong. I know where I fish there are all kinds of fish that people have thrown in there. Ive even caught a 15" pacu out of the Boerne City lake. Why would I need to do more resaearch on something that I already know about. I didnt take the fish under size limit for where I was at. They are healthy with no parasites and they have never been medicated nor has anything else in this tank. They are well fed and in a temperature controlled enviroment. Tank is clean So if and when they are big enough to release I dont know why I cant do so. I know people with bass In horse troughs that would swallow my 2 bass and still be looking for more. Remember no fighting im just talking. Let me know what everyone thinks.
  2. There are 2 bass and 2 blue gill in the tank. The tank is crystal because I keep the tank well maintained. IE 2 sucker fish and a turtle who cleans up a lot of ground debris. Also filtration is changed everyweek and gravel vacuumed. I give them 20-25 gold fish at a time and they get to hunt what they are going to eat. Normally they eat the 20-25 in about 2-3 days depending on how big the goldies are. The ones I have right now are nice and plump so the fish dont have to take out as many to be full. Ive had them about 2 months now and are growing nicely. I know I cant keep them in my tank forever but they are beautiful to have. I might make a nice pond in the back or either release them when that time comes. A 300 gallon tank only comes into play when they are too big to make the turns in the tank with ease. At that point they are going back out to the lake. Unless someone would like to take them and put them in thier own tank.
  3. Feeding Time http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c128/boostedbrick7/?action=view&current=feedingcut.flv
  4. I love fishing and I love bass and catfish and everything. Ive had bass as pets for a while and they are fun to watch and learn from. Here is my lake tank during feeding time. http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c128/boostedbrick7/?action=view&current=Bass.flv Enjoy!!
  5. Yesterday mornings trip yielded a nice bass but I foul hooked it so it didnt count. Maybe after this wind dies down a little around here Ill try again and hopefully get some keepers
  6. 21.5 to be exact, i got out my tape measure. Yes I did get bit By the bass bug in fact I just got home from work but im heading out in the morning to see what else I cant get myself into. I respect your opinion on throwing the big ones back, But a first timer will always keep his first monster no matter what it is. Mudslugs are what I call catfish. Not as fun as bass now. I think ill try and get my bass game up for now.
  7. If its a giant like that I keep it but if theyre only minors I will put them back to become something great and grand. But I just started bass fishing recently I moved up from mud slugs and find it a bit nicer. I hope to catch some more great ones soon before it gets real cold. Since I live in san antonio our winters are kind of off and on.
  8. Thanks for making me feel so welcome here guys.
  9. Hello guys and girls. Im new to this site and to bass fishing. I never really had any luck in the [ast with it so I ended up sticking with mud slug fishing. I recently got a new lure from a friend of mine who made it for poops and giggles and asked if i would take it out. Long story short I now bass fish due to this little guy I nabbed on about the third cast....
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