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Everything posted by crayon7

  1. The one in the picture. As soon as it got out of the weeds it hit on it and the fight was on.
  2. I also caught 2 2.5 pounders slowly popping it next to the little pier and I hit about a 4.5 pounder right out of the weeds. It looked like something you would see on Bill Dance videos.
  3. Something similar to this.
  4. It was like fishing in a hatchery or however you spell that word. There were little bass everywhere. You would cast out and real back in, then think to yourself. "Thats not the lure I was using" Then you figure out theres a baby bass on the lure.
  5. Couple of my friends tearin it up on the pond at the ranch. We had hooked up with some decent bass but didnt get the camera till later in the day. :-/
  6. Ive seen a bass pull a duck down when I was wade fishing at the lake. It had it by the tail feathers and there was a lot of sqaucking and splashing. I saw mouth and tail so I know it wasnt the gator doing it cause it was a fish. Ducky got away but I wont ever forget that scene. I fish that lake for the monsters all the time. Hope one day Ill hit a monster like that and get a pic of it.
  7. I am also A+ certified. yea if it aint broke dont fix it. The only reason I updated my bios on my P4 board (which is not stock) Was to over clock the 3.0ghz hyper threader I have in here right now. Your should accept the ram without any kind of anything needing to be flashed. And as for A+ certified blah I only got it cause the suits want to see it. Just an expensive piece of toilet paper if you ask me. Have fun take it to a shop if you dont know what your doin.
  8. Has anyone ever fished freshly flooded rivers anytime?? We went yesterday to a spot and the river was about 3-4 feet fuller than the previous week. Current was strong as crap and as soon as your lure hit the water it was being taken for a ride. My question is if anyone has ever had success fishing the waters when they are like this and if so what were you using?? God Bless
  9. I caught this thing last weekend. Pretty mad about the whole thing but ehh what could he do I had a 4ft stick. Goin back out there today too. Happy fishing all.
  10. dangit those look good and thick. my mouth is waterin over them filets might have to pull mine out of the freezer to cope. haha
  11. The only fish I had on that spooled me was a 4ft tarpon. It took that much in a heart beat at the pier. If ive got braid on the bass rods I have no more than 25 yrds of mono backing with a narly knot holding it to the braid. The knot is called a nail knot and Ive never had it break on me once. The only reason I put backing with braid is to keep the braid from slipping. Ive had that happen with a fish on and have to drop my rod and real and use my hands. Talk about deep cuts that sucked. I also use my gear for catfishing but if I want any kind of whopper cat I have to get a boat and go to the middle of the lake. I take my light gear to the coast for some fun with the little hardheads and what not. My luck on day theough Ill have a huge run on one of my small rods and have it snap all over the place.
  12. I only use backing when Im running braid. Other then that I use straight up mono if thats what the sitiation calls fer. Never heard of putting backing and then taping it down. I just do a little fly tie that is pretty stout, but if you ever have a fish run you all the way down to your backing there is something wrong there.
  13. Yeah right. Dark+snake+big mouth+fangs+venom=Horse**** I aint touching anything with teeth.
  14. I know the fangs still produce venom from the severed head. I was using a stick about 4 ft long the whole time. ALso Ill kill a snake if I have to ie if its in my way or if its threatining me or if I hook as i did. Im not about to get bit out in the middle of no where. So if its gonna be snake or me its gonna be snake. I know thats their home and what not but yeah I didnt want to die none. ANd no I didnt catch any more fish cause we werent prepared for night fishing that day. Next time though we will be prepared to have a lot of fun. : ;D
  15. When your poor and hardcore like I am nothing and I mean nothing steals from you. I work hard for the what little I have. I was gettin it back no matter what.
  16. I use blue gill filet or sometimes live. Or liver if I want a quick fish. Trick is with mud slugs. Let them run with it. If they dont make your clicker go off or a bell on the tip of the pole. Then they arent big enough to mess with.
  17. I was close enough for it to be scary as crap. But I also have a hell of a zoom on the cam. I was about 4 ft away or so though pokin it with a stick to try and get it off the lure but to no luck. Sanke had to be dealt with in a timely manner. It was dark and I didnt know that river very well so we had to do what we had to do and take off.
  18. See the brown one hes holding at the bottom of the page. Thats the way this ones mouth was. Crap I should of taken a pic of his fangs but I aint no steve irwin. SO what do you think could happen to me? I go tthe heebees just messin with the dead part of this thing.
  19. WHen we cut the head off you could see the fangs. THey are folded back toward the back of the mouth. Trust me he was striking at a stick I was trying to use to get my lure back with. I dont care what kind of snake it was if it strikes at me its goin down.
  20. I spent a lot of money on my reel so I carry them seperate from the rods. In case anyone sneeks up on us when traveling. They are right there to the left on a filter thing ready to be cleaned.
  21. Its a cotton mouth. If I would of not paid attention flung it on me I would have been screwed where we were. The hospital is right there but the walk would of sucked to the truck. It was ticked striking at us trying to bite us and he kept coilin around my lure. So the only way I could get my lure back was to take care of it. Sorry but Id rather it then me. You can see my line and some of the black and white skirt hes sitting on in the inside coils.
  22. Theres a fork in the river the cam was on the right side we were fishing the left. The baby bass wasnt anything to take a sprint for but this little fella was. So my friend ran and got the cam. I almost crapped myself on this one man.
  23. What do I think? I think they should get hit in the head with a paddle. If you cant raise a pet till it dies you dont deserve that pet. WHy go to a lake where that thing can get big eat everyhting and maybe hurt someone one day. Oscars thats the fish with the dumpster mouth. Those are in there too. I wouldnt be surprised if one day I pull a sucker fish out the size of a tree one day. Piece of crap gator and koi and whatever else is out there destroying my rain forest. Wait does Texas have rain forests??? Ehhh more fire wood. Have fun with this post I dont think Im making since. :
  24. Well my firend and I decided we werent gonna go to the same place weve fished the past few years wed go try something new. SO we head out its was like almost an hour drive. Get there get set up go fishin and I find myself messin with a two and a half foot aligator gar. He snaps at my lure so I kind of sink it in his lip and reel him in. Seeing how big he was I decided I didnt want to mess with him and noticed he wasnt sunk to deep so I shook him off and went on with my stuff. So get a few other hits on some top waters and switch to some spoon setups. Get a nice little small mouth that fights like a champ and is just awesome. FOrgot the cam though so I put him back and go to another spot and cast out. I get it almost to the shore kine when I feel a tug just as I bringing it out of the water. I gut caught this fool and he was ticked. It was dark so I didnt know what I had until it curled up and started to show his mouth. I cant get away from dangerous things these last few fishing trips.
  25. Thats wierd, It goes back and forth saying take it but dont take it shoot it but dont shoot it. Private then on public prperty. Ive already got a headache. And as for as that lake being the gators home for ever and a day No it isnt. Some fool went and released it there ive already had that discusion with people in that city. Just like people have thrown a lot of other pets in there, koi, gold fish, pacu, and those other fish with dumpster mouths. I dont have a boat so I cant hit the gator in the head with a paddle and what not so yeah on that. All I know is I wont gear up to purposely catch it but if I do I do. What can I do about it.
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