Hello! In early spring I fished Germantown Station and never caught anything over 2lbs. Lately I have been fishing The Grove like a mad woman with zero luck. Have got a few bites at Johnson Park, Germantown but have yet to pull anything out of the water. Love to fish but haven't caught anything. Have tried every bait I can think of and nothing! Just last week my husband and I hiked to a run off from the Wolf River behind Lowe's on Germantown Road and there were so many catfish swimming around I was in absolute awe but they would not bite. We literally thumped them on the head with liver bait but it did not even scare them! They would swim right past and act like nothing was there. I have never seen anything like it. I am not a big fan of catfish, especially after that trip. Has anyone ever experienced this before and if so, why weren't they biting?
Going to try The Grove & Johnson Park today. What baits are good for these two types of lakes?