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About Insanity

  • Birthday 04/25/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Middle, TN
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ky lake.

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Ive also droped john boat trailers off banks and ramps with drop offs. Ramps usally go smooth if you go real slow it will just bump agaist the bottom of the frame as the tire rolls off the drop off. If your in a 2 wheel drive you might try leaving the boat tied to the trailer in back .It will float the trailer. And try pulling it back out first. We used to lauch off a river bank when i was a kid and ive seen servral 2 wheel drive 70s fords of my granffathers pull the trailer back from clean outa of sight. On river mud. No way id try that my self however.
  2. A few years ago i was bank fishing a lake here. And ran into another regular so we got to talking and he was trying to talk me into fishing a square bill like him and i was trying to talk him into using the lipless i was using both of us swearing by both baits to be the best at that location. Well a few days later his bait caught my eye hanging from a tree branch. Having braid on I thought well if i toss my bait up and hang the tip of the branch i can get both off by pulling it down low enough. So after rescuing said bait and mine. I was amazed at the lack of chrome black paint that was left on it. As it had appereantly caught a great number of fish. That bait caught fish every where i used it. Till i hung it and lost it later on. Hope it floated back up and some other fella has it now.
  3. Check to see if you have a local boat junk yard. You can buy the hinges and pulls off a junk boat. That's what I'm doing for my next project.
  4. HI neighbor clarksville tn here. Check out youtube they have some great videos on fishing the creek mouths of the main river channel. In winter. They will be there all winter. Just moving up and down the creek channel as conditions change. One video shows the guy fishing next to Paris landing bridge and oops the gps on his fish finder of the channel he is fishing. There's several rite there. To get an idea of what your looking for look at navionics Web site for the lake map. You can use it for free. I have there app on my phone. Best ten bucks I ever spent on fishing. You tube Also shows the jigs they use on ky lake
  5. I framed mine out with 2x2s. Plenty strong enough no longer then they need to be and light weight. Your front piece of plywood will sit in the v shape and doesn't need much support it can't go down in the v. Does that make since. I used floor underlayment for my boxes and just glued them together with adhesive caulking. They only hold my tackle boxes. As for the battery that will take some frame work. Mine is still in the back of the boat. I'm on tin boat forum. But I really didn't take enough pics of the build.
  6. Try Lowes and Home Depot. I'm thinking HD had the better ones. There really thin rubber Palm (water proof) with stretchy material on the back. Skin tight! And only 5 bucks a pair. Garilla Grips I think the name was. Look closely because they had a few similar pairs last year some are thicker rubber and not so sensitive. There not real good in really cold temps but better then nothing. I can't do the thick gloves or fingerless. Lord I hope they still have them in stock this year. I'm going to by a box of them if they do.
  7. Yep it's an algae bloom. Gatorade green. Lmao. Seen that here last week to. I usally don't change colors how ever. The first place I ever fished a water melon senko happened to be dark green water with green weeds the same color and to my surprise the fish had no trouble seeing it. They just kept inhaling the sucker all that day. It may cut down on how far they can see it but they can see it. However as said there maybe better options. If there chasing bait I'd be giving them something to chase. As said a lipless bait fits the bill nicely. if you haven't fished them in weeds before let me offer a tip. Don't jerk it when you feel it hit the weed tops just keep reeling and it will pull free usually. If you do have to jerk it free do so like your setting the hook straight up and sharp. Be prepared for strikes when it rips free. They seem to like that erratic behavior. Dont forget to use that lipless bait during the winter months to when those weeds die back some to. There much firmer and easier to pull off of. And if they die off to just clumps here and there thats where the fish will be. I've pulled a lot of nice fish one after the other off just a little two ft clump of weeds while just dragging it slowly across the bottom till it hit it and pulled free. Happy weed fishing to ya! Gatorade green still lol.
  8. Ok so I'm a bit confused. Can you adjust the refresh rate on mine. It has chart plotter gps I'm wanting it to draw the bottom faster
  9. Doesn't that refer to the refresh rate? Mine doesn't have the ping speed setting. It's a Lowrance elite 4 DSI. It came with a the trolling motor transducer. im guessing it doesn't refresh fast enough to use on the rear of the boat if I get a transom mount transducer for it??? Happened to notice the units with chirp have ping speed. Figures I could have bought one them at the time Im wanting the 5 HDI maybe a 7 for the rear if I can figure out what I'm missing before I buy the wrong unit. any thoughts!
  10. I only use one lizard and it has to a 8 inch Zoom green pumpkin. Three or four OO hook depending on the brand. Sometimes I spray the tail with chartreuse die with garlic flavor. But it seems to call in all the small ones
  11. I always feed gold fish flakes. Assuming there less then four inches long. Others use floating pellet style. And a bubble areator for short therm holdering. If your keeping them all year long you might consider an over flow or canister style filter as they remove waste. The more water you have the better. Don't forget to Use clorine remover if adding tap water.
  12. I first started using braid in a heavily fished small bank fishing lake. And never noticed a difference in catching numbers. Ther for I've never used leaders. If I ever fished gin clear water I'd consider it.
  13. A trench coat tied up in a bundle. The bundle contained almost two complete sets of clothing and two pairs of shoes. Each stuff with rows of snap on sockets. To weight the hole thing down. And the icing on the cake to bank money bags. Empty of corse.
  14. If it's hydrilla type weeds. You might try using a grappling hook and rope to clear you some path ways threw it. I fish a small lake here that's chocked full of weeds most of the year. Where people stop and cast they keep it pulled out in path ways. And the fish really like to hang around the edges. Anyone want some darn weeds. Come get you some dump truck loads. Please.
  15. Im usually the one getting skunked. I put small baits on there rods and turn them onto the small fish first every time out. Often times resulting in the only fish caught that day or the largest by accident. I also never leave home for a ride threw the country with out carrying there rods. So there always getting the chance to fish one on one with me not having a rod to draw my attention away from them.
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