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Patrick Fleming

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About Patrick Fleming

  • Birthday 07/09/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oklahoma City, OK.
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lone Chimney Lake, Glenco OK

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  • About Me
    Just a laid back hard working man that love to bass fish.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Which fourm do I post tournaments schedule ...?? Seen a pinned post in Bass Club fourms about not posting schedules or it will be deleted... Same post was also in the Tournament Talk fourm... These are a non-profit tournament series for 2 man boats in Oklahoma with 100 % pay out... Would like to post in the right fourm so it's not deleted...
  2. Google maps full tank of gas, and no fear of rejection... Find some ponds on Google Maps, then go knock on the door, asking for permission to fish.. The farther you get from OKC the more likely you are to find a farmer that is willing to let you fish his land... And it never hurts to offer to help with some work that he might need done, or to bring him some fish if he wants any...
  3. Not sure but I think he might have been asking about Toledo Bend.... Seeing how he is from Lousy-Anna and it's on the border with Tex-Ass and it's listed as his favoite lake... But I could be wrong...
  4. j bad,.... It ended up not being to bad of a night. Think I ended up catching 8-12 total on the buzz bait. Just none of them where nice quailtiy fish like the first 3 I proformed my secert quick release trick on, leaving their lips fully intact.... But for 3 easy payments of $49.93 I will send you a personlized How To video detailing my Secert Quick Release technique.... Enabling you to proform it with easy first time out.
  5. (This is a post / story I posted back in Aug of this year in a Facebook fishing forum.... Thought some of you might get a kick out of it..The events are true and I just let my creaive mind add some spice to make it easier for people to want to finish reading... And by no means am I blaming anybody but myself for losing these fish...) Public Service Announcement... All this product safety BS, to protect the idiots that walk among us has to stop... This crap costed me 3 nice fish Friday evening at Draper Lake. All where in 5-6 lbs range. And those 3 fish are the only fish I have caught... ooops, I hooked, wait can't really even claim to have hooked them, so lets say got bitten by, this year at Draper, that where over the 2 pound mark... So here's the story... I stop by Wally-World and picked up a couple new Strike-King Buzz baits and a few other things on my way out to Draper... Get there about 7 pm and start fishing... Working my way up a bank heading out to a main lake point. Haven't gotten a single bite all evening. I get out on the point about 30 mins os before dark. I picked up one of the new Strike-King Buzz Baits. Started beating the edges of this point and on the 4-5 cast, a big headed bass with a bad attude blow up on it trying kill it while ripping my arm off. I set the hook and the fight is on... He jumps and spit the buzz bait out... I'm thinking ok, no just didnt get a good hookset... About 8-10 cast later, I have another fish (which most have been in a good mood) roll up on it and gently suck it in. I set the hook, again fight on.. I'm trying to keep him out of the bushes,and from jumping, but to no avail, on his 3rd atemp of being a high flying circus act, guess what happens, yep, buzz bait came flying at me with no fish lips attacked....So now I'm thinking, man I suck. Check my line and 2 cast later, 3rd fish blows up, hook set, fight is on, then I perform my quick release trick I seem to have perfected ... Seen all 3 fish so I know all where very nice fish... So as I'm wondering what heck is going on.... I find a brain cell and checked the hook.... And what did I find...??? Surgical tubing over both the main and stringer hooks.... Freaking Surgical tubing.... Really...??? Guess Strike-King or Wally-World don't think that idiots are smart enough to now that fishing lures have hooks on them and that hooks will poke you. So the surgical tubing is to protect the idiots from hurting themselves.... So remember to check any new buzz-baits, spinner baits or any bait that don't come in a seal box for some type of hook protector crap before tiring them on... Cause it cost my old blind ass 3 good fish within 30 mins...
  6. Tre379 there is plenty of good lakes in the Tulsa area, from big water lakes like Grand, Ft Gibson, Skytook, to smaller and often over looked city lakes. Dripping Springs is a smaller Dept lake. As for ponds can't help you much there, seeing how I'm from the OKC area. But there are a few that are on state land, but you need a tube to fish.. You can find them on google maps. most are old strip pits that where dug when state was building the interstates and turnpikes... The ones I've always want to fish every time I went thur Tulsa are at the I-44 -Hwy 412 junction on the east side of I-44 where it turns NE and 412 continues East. Googlemaps is a fishermen dream that is new to a area...
  7. Well I've fish 5-6 times a week for the last 2 months mostly in the afternoon/evening after work. During the hottest part of the day up to dark 30... And have water temps from 87-92 degrees and caught fish every time out. Water temp can be misleading. First, that is surface temp, with you where to deep down 4-5 feet below the surface, the temp will be 5-7 degrees cooler. The deeper you go the cooler the water gets. There is a reason why you can still catch fish in swallow water with high water temps.. Its call cover, anything from standing timber, lay-downs, docks, bush-piles, lidypads , and grass beds, provide SHADE, shade means cooler temps and cover means bait fish, which mean bass will follow.. But if you want to consistently catch fish in the dog days of summer, you need to be able to locate and know how to fish deep water structure. Deep water can be anything from a drop off or ledge where the water drops from 3 ft to 10 ft or a point the runs from the bank out drown to 30 + ft of water.. any sudden change in depth will hold fish. As long as you handle the fish right, it will survive.... Don't handle/ touch/ or rub the fishes body, this removes it protective slime, which inturn, puts stress on the fish and in most cases of released fish's deaths, this is the main reason... Here a hot water (88 degree's) water temp caught a few weeks ago... The heat is harder on me then it is on the fish....
  8. Went back out to Wes Watkins Saturday evening. Got on the water about 7ish to do some Full Moon bass fishing... I can tell you this for sure.. It was one of the most miserable. humid,muggy, evening and night that I can remember.... But other then being soaking wet with sweat by the time I got the boat on the water, it was a wonderful evening.... Was worry about the water getting turned and stain by the big storms we had Thursday Night.. Really didn't see much difference in the water color from last weekend, but the water level had came up at least a foot. And was looking real good up in the grass beds and shoreline... Within 10 mins of making first cast, we had 2 fish (Channel Cat and Hybid on crankbaits) in the boat..trash fish, but it seem that the bait was going to be good. About 20-30 mins later I pick up a nice little chuck about 2-1/2 - 3lbs. on a Norman DD14 crankbait. We thinking this is really going to be a good night on the water. Then it all went to crap. We caught 2 more about the same size right before dark. Then ran back to boat ramp to get the OFF that I left in truck. Freakin Mosquito's was the worst I've every seen... It literately look like we where up in Alaska/Canada in summer they where that bad.. The OFF did the trick. It was dark and the moon was up. Tired on a black buzz bait, a black Chatter Bait, and a Black Jittter Bug, and had a 12 inch June bug worm on. had one blow up on the Jitter Bug but he missed it about 10pm.... And nothing for the next hour a 1/2. Then my buddy had a huge fish try to kill his buss bait, but again the fish the bait completely and we never got to it hit again. It was about 20 ft from the boat when it exploded on that buzz bait and but the sound and the of water flying that fish was in the 6-10 lbs range..After that we didn't get another bite until about 1:45 am or so right by the ramp as we where headed in... Would post pictures but it won't let me for some reason even after resizing them....
  9. Seen Purcell City lake mention a few times.... I haven't fished it in years, but at one time, it was a great big bass lake that not a lot of people ever fished.... That was back when it used have massive grass beds that in the summer time cover 2/3 of the lake.... A "Weedwacker" weedless topwater spoon was deadly. Not even sure if its still made. Also the City of Purcell use to put on a 2 man tournament once a year on it.. Its was in April each year and limited to 50 2 man boats.Which is a lot for that small of a lake... I finished 2nd the only time i fished it, weighting 17 -19 lbs on five fish all caught on Slug-O's.. A year or 2 after that tournament, either the city or the state spayed, or used pellets to kill off the grass..... Not sure which and never heard if that's what really happen to the grass, but I know you couldn't find any grass in a lake that normally in late summer had about 2/3 of its surface covered with matted grass beds.. They killed the grass and killed the fishing IMO...
  10. Fished Wes Wakins last Sunday evening 7 pm until dark or so... Caught 3 and miss 2.... All where crank-bait bites, except for 1 that I missed on a chader bait... The 3 I caught where typically size Wes Wakins fish ranging from 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 lbs....
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