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Jonathan Evans

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Everything posted by Jonathan Evans

  1. You are the man! I hit the pond this morning and Tried the Fluke with the weighted hooks for about 45 minutes with no luck. So I Pulled out my phone and followed your instructions. Threw the fluke on a 3/0 Gamakatsu. I have fished this pond 3 times and no action besides a few nibbles. I throw the fluke weightless as you instructed worked it following those instructions. 3rd cast! screen capture uploading images Thank you so much man. I cannot tell you how much i appreciate it. Just amazing how a few tips like that can just turn the bite on!
  2. You are right. I just let my emotions get the best of me and I need to control that . I just feel like if you are going to fish a body of water then at least follow the rules. So I was wrong because our regulation has just changed to no minimum limit on July 1st. But The Game warden has told me about people leaving dead fish and trash behind at this lake so he took the guys info anyway. He told me the same as you guys about not approaching people the way I did. I was wrong for that. Off topic: Why in the world would they remove minimum limits on bass? what is someone really going to do with a 1lb fish? Forgive me as have only been bass fishing for about a year but I catch a lot of small bass and they don't look to be worth it for the little bit of meat you would get. Again I have never fillet a fish so This is just me looking for answers. http://myfwc.com/fishing/freshwater/black-bass/bass-regulations/changes/
  3. Today I stopped at one of my local creeks to eat lunch and let the kid feed the ducks. Had a older guy out fishing and he had a cooler with him. I watched him catch a very small bass on a worm and Expected him to throw it back. Nope, He knocks it on the pick neck table to kill it and throws it in the cooler. I lost it and walked over to him while my wife watched our daughter . He did not speak any English but he knew why I came over and tried to play dumb. I pointed at the dead fish laying on ice and used words that I cannot repeat here. then his son grabs the cooler and sits on it and just gives me the meanest look. Turns out his son speaks perfect English and it went way downhill from here. He was trying to defend his dad but Knew they had been wrong and Pretty much went to the "I don't give a ****" defense." My wife called the game warden and of corse they leave. I did give the game warden his tag but I know he will not be punished most likely. I am still hot under the collar about it. Totally ruined my morning. This is a small lake ran by the forestry department and it has a limited amount of bass in it. Most people catch and release but he had to be that one guy. I bed he did not have a fishing permit as well.
  4. Fishing a local pond by my house and every morning the bass tear up the bait fish on the shoreline. The problem is the place is full of hydrilla and Everything I throw gets snagged or covered. I had a few bites on a frog but that fell off quick and they totally ignored my Texas rigged worm. So Doing research on these boards I have decided to go with a fluke. The problem is the fluke just twirls in the water making it useless. So I went to wally world and bought these weighted hooks. I know the weight will keep the bottom of the fluke down but my question is did i get to much weight on the hooks? I have also herd of jigs being used and I have one but Just curious how a jig would not get covered in hydrilla with the exposed hook? Thanks guys.
  5. Watching him with his son really gets to me. That is what its all about.
  6. This is an awesome video. He is so humble.
  7. So Sorry for you man.The last of the great generation of men that have walked this earth. Men that had a connection with nature and a understanding of what life is all about. We will never see a generation of men like our grandfathers. May his soul rest in peace and I know he will be with you in that boat every time you go out. You both share a love and respect for nature. I know he is proud of you.
  8. The kids are the future of our sport. Its great to see him casting a rod and not sitting in the house with a tablet in his face all day. Keep up the good work.
  9. Just got back from tractor supply and they had these "Trick worms" made by cream. They only cost me.88 per pack so I got a few to try out. Never herd of them so If anyone has used these please tell me what you think. I also Bought some YUM dingers and actual Gary Yamamoto sinkos and I can tell the quality difference right away. The Yamamoto Sinkos are straight and feel different and the Yum Sinkos are kind of bent and they feel a bit harder. The trick worms are virtually identical besides a few of the tails being bent on the Cream ones. Yum dinners are 2.66 per pack and Yamamotos are 6.88 per pack here in North Florida.
  10. This! They come up, pop it and that's it. I had this happen last weekend and missed 3 fish due to them not totally going for it. I am using a Kvd frog so i might try to find a smaller one to see if its any better. I am going to bear lake in the am and I will hit wally world to look for a smaller frog. I will post results here
  11. I live by a park in Crestview Florida that has a 10 acre stocked pond. The only activity is in the morning and evening during sunset. The bass in this pond will push the bait fish to the shoreline and trap them. The bank is full of vegetation so I tried using a Texas rig worm and they just ignore it all together. I know I need to match the hatch but I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a bait that could work in this situation. I am thinking of trying a Zoom fluke or something like that but Would like some info first. Thanks
  12. I could be wrong but here it goes. When a bass grabs a plastic he can spit it out faster then you can even see without slow motion. I think the salt is for getting the bass to hold on to the lure for a bit more so you can have a better chance to hook him. i could be wrong but that's my take.
  13. Oh man please dont tell me that lol. Stuff cost more them Power Pro. Can you recommend a good fluorocarbon?
  14. I think I will spool it with cheap mono and go out and practice. I Know somewhat how to use it but the thumb control is going to be hard to learn and not get a birds nest. I guess I will just set the breaks high and ease into it. I know these can be deadly accurate if you learn how to use them and its all I see the pro guys use.
  15. Darn!! Oh well it was only a buck for the pack. Was looking for a better way to keep my bullet weights from sliding. I have been using toothpicks so I guess That will have to do for now. Lol that's right!
  16. Got this combo from Walmart for 70.00 bucks. Its the Abu Garica black max. It has good reviews and I must say that the feel of a bait caster seems more balanced and more comfortable then my spinning rigs. I will be spooling it with 30lb Power pro. Really excited!
  17. Also my First buzzbait So tomorrow morning I will try it out.
  18. Hope someone can answer this. I had the same thing happen to me at a honey hole I found on google maps. Would go at sunrise and cast a small Spook along the bank of the pond. I could watch 3 or 4 bass go after the spook and miss on one retrieve before one caught it. they are only about 2lbs but I would catch bass all morning. Now its like a light switch and nothing at all the last few trips.
  19. Fishing Penny Creek in Holt Florida. It was around 4:00pm hot as a dog and a small storm just passed. I did not think I would catch anything due to the heat and From what I know bass will be very picky eaters due to more energy consumption from the warm water. I was using a Jelly worm(the 12 inch ones). The d**n bait was bigger then him but he thought he could eat it anyway.
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  20. I have one bait caster that I just got to learn on. I am getting pretty good with it but I am a spinning reel kind of guy. As far as accuracy goes a spinning rig can be very accurate. I can usually call my cast and put it right on the spot.
  21. Just looking for someone to fish with here in Crestview and the surrounding areas. I have been using a canoe and shore fishing until I can afford a little pond hopper. I fish everyday befor or after work and I have a few nice spots around Crestview. If you have a boat I would pay for food and gas for the day.
  22. Beautiful fish.
  23. Lol my dad is just like that. Every time he goes by himself he always has a hog that gets away.
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