Today I stopped at one of my local creeks to eat lunch and let the kid feed the ducks. Had a older guy out fishing and he had a cooler with him. I watched him catch a very small bass on a worm and Expected him to throw it back. Nope, He knocks it on the pick neck table to kill it and throws it in the cooler. I lost it and walked over to him while my wife watched our daughter . He did not speak any English but he knew why I came over and tried to play dumb. I pointed at the dead fish laying on ice and used words that I cannot repeat here. then his son grabs the cooler and sits on it and just gives me the meanest look. Turns out his son speaks perfect English and it went way downhill from here. He was trying to defend his dad but Knew they had been wrong and Pretty much went to the "I don't give a ****" defense." My wife called the game warden and of corse they leave. I did give the game warden his tag but I know he will not be punished most likely. I am still hot under the collar about it. Totally ruined my morning. This is a small lake ran by the forestry department and it has a limited amount of bass in it. Most people catch and release but he had to be that one guy. I bed he did not have a fishing permit as well.