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Jonathan Evans

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Everything posted by Jonathan Evans

  1. The weather killed my fishing this morning. Hit the local Walmart just to browse and got bit by the darn bait monkey. I got some more flukes and my first Ralapa lure. The package was all beat up so it was marked down from $8.00 to $5.00. I get to the register and find out its actually marked down to $3.00!! I cannot believe this little guy is $8.00 originally!. Its called a Flat Rap and its made of Balsa wood. My grandpa used these back in the day and loved them. Cant wait to try this baby out! image sharing
  2. Well it rained here last night and totally killed the fishing this morning. I headed over to Walmart just to browse. The bait monkey can just sneak up and next thing you know.............. image hosting free no registration Also my first Rapala lure. My dad used these back in the day so i grabbed this one on sale for $3.00 due to opened package. Its made of balsa wood! Old school!
  3. LOl I know its silly, I just never liked the feel of the cheap foam. The cork feels so nice in the hands. I will have to look into Eva and see what its about. I have friends that love it.
  4. Here in Florida/South Alabama they call that dead sticking. When I use to fish saltwater in Tampa I had a huge kayak and needed an anchor for the current. Bought the anchor got to the spot and paddled out. I grabbed the anchor and the line and tossed the anchor. The anchor line just floated on the water, it was not tied. $45 bucks sinks really fast.
  5. Not a good idea. Please do not put this on a car if you care about it. First of all it will do nothing to help you at all. That small electric motor will not not come close to building enough pressure to create any kind of boost, Superchargers are belt driven because the amount of pressure they need to build is very high. 2nd If that thing breaks it will be in a position that debris can and most likely will get sucked into the intake and BOOM!
  6. I was about to ask you. Haha they know everybody wants the sunfish one.
  7. I want to try that live target sunfish. Looks kinda gimmicky but people catch fish with it. I like that shad one you got as as well.
  8. Same here. My bait caster rod is only a year old and the cork has a bad spot that is starting to chip off. I called in and they will replace it but they do not make cork handle ones anymore. I like the handle and Its not worth it to me. If i can get a wrap that would be great.
  9. I went to wall mart to get some milk and eggs for the wife.....kinda went the wrong way. But when I was shopping for flukes I came across this on the clearance rack. It was only $2.00 so I said what the heck. I am about to research it but wanted to see if you guys have tried these before? not to experienced with jigs So if anyone has any info on these It would be appreciated. its made in the USA as well, a big plus for me. adult image sharing free photo hosting
  10. So I was only supposed to get milk.........ugh yeah I kinda relapsed tonight. I know nothing about that justice jig but it was on sale for $2.00. About to look up some reviews on it. image upload no compression
  11. have been told by several people that it does have tilapia. The only thing I have seen are blue gill and bass though. I know the lake also holds Catfish because people are always talking about the big cats they catch here. I will take some more pics of the other beds tomorrow and post them. It was cloudy when I posted this pic. You guys are probably right. We have what they call a "lake doctor" he comes out and treats the water and checks ph levels and that kind of stuff. He told me talipa beds as well and he has been treating this place for more then 10 years. Now I wish I could find a talapia in those beds lol that would be nice.
  12. Go to the library and get some books on bass fishing. Video are great for technique and bait rigging but books are great for learning the science of the bass. If you can think like a bass you can catch a bass.
  13. YUP, "subscribe to me because .......well just subscribe". I will film myself walking around eating lunch and shopping and stupid sheeple will eat it up.
  14. If you are using a floating frog you can do what I did and bend the hooks out a bit. I had the same issue as you when the bass hitting it and letting go. i have not landed one on a frog yet but after I bent the hooks out I had my first hook up on a frog before he shook the hook.
  15. I want some of those ribbon tails so bad. The Wal-mart here stopped carrying Z-MAN So I will be ordering some.
  16. Nice man, I didn't even think a bass could go down 60 feet! I had kinda the same thing happen at my local creek only the opposite of what you said. I have a nice little spot called Penny creek, it is used by local farmers as an irrigation canal. Well, it got so low due to no rain that the bass had been trapped inside of the man area of the canal. I of course left the camera at home still hooked up to my PC. I caught 3 dinks and one nice 2 pounder within 45 minutes. I have been following advice I get on these forums and my fishing has improved so much. The water is real copper colored hence the name "Penny creek"So I used a white fluke. I read on here about throwing a fluke and working it like a Sinko, Letting it flutter as it sinks. Everyone on here says summer time means fish slow. Its amazing to me how much I have improved and The things I look for now. I am starting to realize what bass fishermen mean when they say that you will gain knowledge without even realizing it. To give you an example, I have a few spots that if the conditions are Ideal I know a bass will be sitting in this shadow or under that overhanging tree and every time like clockwork they nail it. Not sure if you are familiar with Glen Lau but he is a local bass fisherman here in Florida. He made a documentary called Bigmouth Forever(amazing video btw). He keeps a journal and when he has a good day he writes down conditions and what he used. I have just started doing that as well. The place we are going in Alabama is called Lake Guntersville. its down the road from my father-in-laws and he is taking me. I have been but never fished it, I went with my brother in law to meet some pros a few years ago. This will be my first time fishing it.
  17. Wow, Now that is a good day.
  18. You can find a used depth finder on CL, Does not have to be the best thing in the world, All that other stuff is not to much to do. You could upgrade the Yak and still get an outboard. Have 2 different fishing platforms.
  19. So this guy is doing it wrong? Also any major differences from a shaky head and a Texas rig?
  20. Not bad for less then a year of bass fishing I guess. I got the bug now man. I want that 5 pounder!
  21. Once again, The White super fluke on a 5/0 offset Trokar using 10lb Trilene Xl. Can Anyone please give me a weight estimate? I will be getting a scale really soon. Finally got a respectable PB!!
  22. That sucks. I am going to Alabama to visit relatives in a few months so I might get lucky lol
  23. The only thing I have caught here in Florida besides large mouth are gar and pan fish. Do we have spotted bass here in north Florida? I will have to do some research on that. I only knew of small mouth and large mouth never herd of spotted. I have only been freshwater fishing for about a year but I know an older guy that has been fishing for bass for 30 years, I will ask him about this spotted bass because I want to catch one now What!! So you missed out on getting in the record books because of a misunderstanding? OH man that would sting so so bad. Knowing how rare that fish was. Not to mention you cought it in a spot that some of the legends of bass fishing have fished before.
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