I'm just starting baitcasting. I bought a new Abu Garcia Silvermax reel and put it on a couple rods that I got a garage sale. After trying the reel on both of the rods I'm not getting great casts.
Now I'm sure there's some 'new to baitcasting issues' here (user error?) but I'm wondering if the used rods I got are actually baitcasting rods or just some old 'push-button' reel type of rods.
Can anyone help me out? Is there a difference?
The rods are a Zebco Rhino and a Berkley Phazer.
pics linked here https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq1wortw9l9esi3/Rod1.jpeg?dl=0
and here https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3grbz0yzt9rnm1/Rod2.jpeg?dl=0