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Everything posted by justfishin

  1. I have been gone a long time and was curious. Is Avid OK? I have not seen him in here. Just concerned.
  2. Before my health issues I used RW's YS in #6 on spinning reels and became a real fan. As for all the years of guiding for smallies on the rivers here before I gave it up, the last 7-8 years I used BPS Excel in #8 test green for all my client rods and it worked great. I still think its a great cold water line because of the stretch. Never had a problem with it.
  3. Its PR man. I think Danna is cute. Its like Anna Kournakova. She cannot play tennis but, man, she is easy on the eyes. Plus, remember, sponsers and PR pay the bills. Also, you have to respect anyone whom can get behind the wheel of a formula one and drive. You have to have talent just to get around the track at those speeds and keep them stuck to the asphalt.
  4. Ditto RW. I fish it weightless is slow water. Its not much in moving water at all. I use a 4/0 G-Lock Gama. I like green pumpkin/red flake and sometimes salt and pepper can be good.
  5. After all these years, thats a real good question. I used to be convinced it was all about temps but, I have been proven wrong on that. I still think the longer length of days has some to do with it. I feel there is a window in each area of the country you can practically set your date book to. Here in Western Maryland you can bet on the last two weeks of April to the first two weeks of May. There were days when I looked at the temp gauge and thought, man, too early for the spawn, and while on my way to a hole I would see beds. Personally, I don't fish beds but, I will hit prespawn points and channel drops. Thats the fun of smallie fishing. They can be the most perplexing fish that swim. Its just like you can fish a river one day and boat 60-80 fish, go back the next day and have four. Same scenario, same holes, etc. I never try to second guess them !!!!
  6. Drag tubes sloooowly across the bottom. I use a rattle in mine at night. We do well in August around here using this method. We call it counting rocks!!!
  7. Jack and water on ice or Turkey with coke chaser.
  8. Good answer RW.
  9. A many thanks to all whom wrote, it means a lot. I will never be 100% but, then again, I never was,lol. I will be reading the post. I cannot leave this site, its the best !!!!! For the guys fishing Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia, my buddy works for the BFL tourneys and he said last weekend the fishing was not great but, there were a good many nice smallies caught along with those, what are they now?, oh, Largemouth,lol. Also, on the Susquehanna River in Pa. Montgomerys Ferry has been hot ,so the guys say, and on the Lower Potomac in DC around Blue Plains and Potomac Creek has been good. Kerr in Virginia was good for some friends last week and they say it was Cranks like the DT 10's and 16's, Single bladed 1 oz spinnerbaits and 5" Black Neon Tubes fished on 3/8 oz jigheads and as always this time of year my favorite, 1/2 Black Jig with a Zoom Flippin Blue Super Chunk. Again, thanks.
  10. Thank you Glenn. I won't be writing much but, I sure enjoy the reading. Have a good year.
  11. Tubes Super Flukes Hair Jigs Fat Ika's Spinnerbaits Rapala #10 Husky Jerk Zara Puppy Senko Day in and day out a tube in Green Pumpkin/Red Flake or Dark Mellon/Purple Flake, a 5" grub in Bluegill and Pearl white Super Flukes are hard to beat. Each day brings different circumstances but, after 17 years of guiding for smallies before I stopped these three were the money getters.
  12. Spinning for smallies---#6 Yozuri Ultra Soft Baitcasting for green bass---#12 Ultra Soft 4/0 G-Lock Gammie hooks. I like the Green Pumkin/Red Flake and Pearl/Pepper,as well as, watermelon.
  13. I just wanted to say hello to all. My health took a serious dive last Sept. and life has not been the same since. I have a hard time typing or even remembering anything sometimes. I have logged on a few times recently and enjoyed the post, especially the Smallie ones. They are starting to bite good in the Upper Potomac. I got out a few times with a buddie and last trip we had 33. They are scattered this time of year and the water was up and muddy, just the way we like it. Seems it took 5-8 feet of water on the eddies on the bank. We fished up into them and worked each one slow, starting at the tail of the break. Green Pumpkin tubes and Black hair jigs, both in 1/4 were the ticket. I certainly cannot guide right now but, my long time friend had a trip on the Susquehanna in Pa. two weeks ago and they had 55 with lots of 14-17 inchers. No real big ones though. Ok, I can't do this anymore so have a good year guys. Muddy, behave yourself. Jim :)
  14. Rugar Alaskan 454 Casull and the other thing I carry with it is " common sense". http://www.handgunlaw.us/state-link.htm
  15. Throw up river my friend and use control in your slack for tubes and such, it will up your catch big time.
  16. Dude, you need to seek a divorce lawyer immediatly,lol. ;D
  17. Happy B-Day Hookemdown, enjoy and to Avid, have a good one tomorrow. Mine is on the 26th and I will be 39-----------again. ;D
  18. I can see where this is going and you need to go seek a divorce lawyer immediatly !!!!, lol. ;D
  19. ;D ;D ;D
  20. I am with you LBH, I hope we all can one day just use a rod and reel and I didn't mean to strike a nerve my friend. I just have a long time interest in military weapons. This post isn't a para mili type thing or political, its just a arms interest and I hope it stays that way or I will request a drop of the post. I just wanted to touch base with some others in here with some weapons savvy and show this new one, thats all.
  21. Yes, the 7.62, I feel would walk on you on full auto, although, I have never shot one in FA in which I think should be used lightly. Three round burst has aways been best in most situations IMO. I saw a show about our military in Afghanistan not long ago and they talked of the Taliban soldiers being notorious for poor shooting. Probably because they can't keep their finger off the switch,lol. The Masad has a lot of good points but, I am afraid the weighing and balance of production and the cost of replacing our current issue will take a lot to sell the military. Seems all these arms corps are really stepping up since the rumor, Russia is building a production plant in Venasuala for AK's with funding for research. Look at all the weapons the Israelis have tried over the last 20 years. Special arms and optics for the Gaza itself, close tactic arms, etc. but, they never flew for long. We will see. I still think the Musadas veratility has set it apart from previous attempts. I also like the tooless barrel change, ambi selector and modular trigger system, nothing new but, good points. Pretty user friendly in some bad situations.
  22. Yes, its high for production and sale without proof but, the military has its eye open on this one. Its the best I have seen come out in awhile. I admit that lots of companies all promise a lot and never come through in the end or they don't hold up to military standards but, this one seems to be the closest to the prize so far. A lot of companies are pushing ahead to head off the replacement for our future military arms. It still has a long way to go in development and proving itself but, the Musada's Weapons System opens some great prospects due to its versatility, as well as, adding all the finer points from some of the top names. Pretty nice.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magpul_Masada
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