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Everything posted by justfishin

  1. Having my child with me I would have asked him to leave. That being said, if I was alone and he needed help I would probably offer my assistance. I refuse to let the world make me a cynic. Yes, I am the guy who will get a meal at a fast food place and give it to a guy who looks like he is down on his luck or give a guy a buck if he looks down and out and asked for it in a parking lot. Stay safe but, if you can, help your fellow man. I won't go into religion in here but, we have to balance compassion, our gut feelings and doing what is right. JMO.
  2. Zaro Spooks and Puppies Spitin Image ( one of my favorites ) Clear Tiny Torpedoe. Jerkbaits--Duhhh!!! Chug Bugs Cavitron Buzzers Rico's
  3. My first choice on the lakes around here---I like river fishing the best---are sharp dropoffs, as in those 45 degree ones. I like to stair step a tube or grub slloooowly down these drops. Its critical to line watch at first ice out. I also like deep creek channels with a lot of trash ( wood, rock piles, etc) in and around the main lake area before they start moving up to mid lake. The toughest scenario during first ice out---at least for me---is when they suspend in the thermal areas. That is what makes the float and fly so popular from all I have read. This will be the first year I am going to attempt a fly rod for this same purpose. Remember, fish slow at temps like 35 to 40 degrees. Most of the time you will only feel a mushy feeling when you lift up, or just a small tick on your line. Good luck.
  4. Nice pic, good job. I am going to hold a tourny on the Upper Potomoc here in Maryland. The purse will go to the guy whom can skid a tube across the ice the farthest!!! Winner gets a bottle of Turkey and the best seat near the campfire!!!
  5. Here are my four picks RW. A Pearl White Salty Fluke with a Gremlin Bullshot --1/64 crimped on the line right at the nose. Killer for me here. #5 and 7 Shad Rap #10 and #12 Husky Jerk in Tenn Shad and a Down Deep Husky Jerk. Senko in smoke/blue flake-----Just some thoughts. Don't forget the ones floating down to the bottom. They do that down at the Conowingo Dam and we use a 1/4 white/white jig on the drop offs. It can be a killer as well. Good luck. I hope you bust the big one RW.
  6. Thanks Glenn. That list brougt up some good memories. Yes, I am older than dirt and proud of it. When I was a kid I thought Annette F. was a hottie!!!
  7. Go Steelers. I have been a Pitt fan for a loooooong time and would love to see them get it. They worked hard for it.
  8. Hang in there guys. Its been beyond windy here in maryland and cold. We had an ice storm but, the power was only out for 6 hours. I used to love along the Potomoc River. I got flooded out twice in the 90's. That is why I now live in the Mountains in the middle of nowwhere. My prayers to all facing the high waters. ---Jim RW--With the water that high you should have some BIG EDDY'S for the smallies to stack up in, LOL.
  9. Funny and oh, so true.
  10. I suspect there are more smallies than you think in that lake. Rule of thumb and believe me its true, Smallmouth and Largemouth are two different fish. Oh, you can catch them together but, as I said, Smallies ain't Largies.
  11. I agree with all. In the river at least in cold temps as you described, I can hole hop. I might hit 10 or so holes and zip, and then you will hit a eddy and they are stacked like cord wood. Also, in lakes they like to suspend at times. I never tried the float and fly but, evidently in works. I am going to use the same theory with a fly rod. Good luck.
  12. Scarey stuff. I run a Jet Drive but, one night on the way back to the ramp after some night fishing for smallies I heard a thump. I spun around and saw that I hit a doe. She had her bell rung. My buddie grabbed her around the neck and I used the trolling motor to idle over to the shallows. When her feet hit the bottom she ran off. Pretty wild.
  13. Sad, very sad. I pray God will give you the words and I will give a prayer at Mass. ---Jim
  14. My opinion: If they are doing drugs on or off the property, they ARE poor teachers. It gives me a hint of there personal choices and charactors. I do not want them teaching my kids. Thats all I have to say about that.
  15. Probably Ol' Spot, the cell phone dog !!!
  16. My Steelers are looking good. I hope they can keep it up. GO STEELERS.
  17. Thats a tough one Catt. My prayers at Mass for all involved.
  18. Nice story but, a PINK WOOLEY BOOGERS ? Ol' Jim will not use one,LOL. Try some deer hair streamers tied on a 1/0 dyed greenish brown and tip them with a scant tad of chartruese. Tie them a little long as well. Good luck and wecome aboard. P.S.- I did see some pink wooley boogers after polishing off one too many taste of the Makers Mark around the campfire one evening.
  19. The moon was really bright here the other night. My girlfriend scratched my belly and my leg shook and I went over to the neigbors and peed on a bush !!!! Owwwwwwhhhhhhhhh !!!
  20. Right back at ya, and to everyone in here, HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS !!!, and remember what its really all about. God Bless.
  21. At my age and with my health, I need the Alka,lol. Like I said, its just a quirk of mine. Its one of many after all these years on the water. Its like my spinnerbaits. I only use Indiana blades, why?, who the heck knows.
  22. I think that this idea is great. What the hey, start out with Shimano on board and others might follow suite. Also, I want a forum for good Bourbon opinions !!! Invite Makers Mark, Wild Turkey, etc.
  23. Cute ones Malt. As for the Wishnicks, my X wife looked just like one of those things !!!
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