Try looking for weedy/padded/grassy openings with a current and you will catch topwater all day long and have a blast. Similar to the painting on the wall at your dentists office. Z-man pop frog is amazing, it does it all. Super easy to hook, swims, pops, stalls and attracts. They are expensive but they last a long time(around 20-30 fish). Any soft plastic can be fished top water and I recommend starting there since it is just so easy and the lures can be dipped in JJ's or any other scented dye. My favorite to fish is a Zoom Super Fluke, sinks slow and naturally pulls straight up. Fish it like a weedless spook and absolutely hammer the bass all day everyday. I use a 7ft medium/heavy with 6:6:2 baitcaster on 50-65lb braid, 4/0 EWG with double palomar knot.