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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Not sure what I will be sending yet? Chatterbaits and or some jigs is what I plan on. Allen
  2. Check fishingskirts.com as they sell the Zman skirt tabs. Allen
  3. Zoom super chunks and chigger craws. Allen
  4. Sounds good to me. Allen
  5. [url= Allen
  6. The list: 1.Munkin 2.Bluebasser86 3.DomQ 4.Fishballer06 Please add your name if you plan on participating. Allen
  7. Once I figure out some good color patterns I will paint like 25 each time for that reason. This bait is alright but I want a more subdued color pattern. Ordering some wildlife color paints from a taxidermy store along with some more natural eyes to try. Allen
  8. These are the first things I have painted with an airbrush that look decent. Learning how to correctly clean the brush between colors has really helped. Allen
  9. If you or fishballer agree to handle the shipping logistics then we should start a list of participants. Additionally is everyone alright with the 15 January date? Allen
  10. I cannot find the hose adapter for my good airbrush so I am using a$15 one from Ebay. Let me look later in my Ebay purchase history and I will post a link. Harbor Freight sells a cheap airbrush compressor in case you need one. Allen
  11. Took some lessons from a local guy so now I am trying to use an airbrush. Painted up some swimjig heads but this is the only that is finished. End result Allen
  12. image hoster Here are two more I bought from someone on Facebook that look promising. Allen
  13. A swim jig is just a bladeless spinnerbait I fish them the same way. Allen
  14. Thanks for the compliment! Allen
  15. The main one I use to imitate a bluegill is called Pro Staff Special or something like that. It is watermelon on top with a translucent orange on bottom which is on the bait on the right. Allen
  16. Check ebay, someone sells that injection mold. Allen
  17. My guess is a #3 but I don't own any of those baits. Allen
  18. Agreed, they are good for a lot of different conditions but not great at any one. That being said the jig I use the most is a 5/16oz ball head finesse jig. Allen
  19. Screaming eagle is 3.5 and 4. Allen
  20. Lite wire I use Daiichi Death Traps and heavy wire Gamakatsu round bends or Owner ST36. Allen
  21. These are the two main colors I fish. Like Catt said they do make them in 5/16oz. Allen
  22. Since the paddle tails give it lift 3/8 is what I use 90% of the time. Allen
  23. Let's get this going so we can start with a list of names that want to participate. To give everyone enough time I say we set the date to January 15th of next year. This seems far out but it gives everyone enough time to not interfere with whatever else you have going on. Allen
  24. SK 5XD is my favorite. Allen
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