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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. 21.25" but I don't know what it weighed. Allen
  2. Where can I get brown bear hair from? Or polar and panda that I can then dye green pumkin. Allen
  3. Munkin


    Heating both colors in the microwave at the same time and pouring the second layer as soon as I can. Allen
  4. Custom spincast mold. Allen
  5. Some of my painted up swim jig heads. Allen
  6. Building one should not be hard except for the filter material TJ's uses in their cups. Fluid bed is just a aquarium pump with an adjustable valve using pvc cups. Allen
  7. Or Blaze? Allen
  8. The camo wire is the new super stainless (Why it is brown is beyond me?) and only comes in .035 that I am aware of. I like it to match darker baits but the regular silver super stainless is my favorite. Allen
  9. Are you making them or buying? Allen
  10. TJ's tackle is where I bought mine like 10 years ago. Allen
  11. Check Ebay under CNC-works aka Shawn Collins. Allen
  12. Here is one of the ones I got off Facebook. Allen
  13. It would depend on how slow of RPM I can spin. I would think soft plastics would have trouble with salt and flake. Allen
  14. That is a Shawn Collins mold, he sells them on ebay under the name of CNC works or something like that. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Freshwater-Flateye-Standup-jig-mold-1-4-5-16-3-8-1-2oz-CNC-Aluminum/123737876592?hash=item1ccf5a2870:g:KNYAAOSwQjNW~NnV Allen
  15. Called it! Try a size 2 oval split ring. Allen
  16. Nothing beats bear hair in cold water (<40 degrees). We catch SM on the Upper Potomac in 35 degree water through the winter. Allen
  17. I have never built one with the split ring but looking at it I would try an oval ring. My thought is that a round ring the split could catch the blade but the oval would not. Allen
  18. I have not seen any 4.5 indiana blades. Allen
  19. Size 5 or 6. Allen
  20. Bought them from Lurecraft. Allen
  21. Excellent work! Allen
  22. London Gentlemen
  23. Cannot remember the name but I think it is called a Griffin? Small matte craw colored crankbait that works really well on the river for smallmouth. Allen
  24. Amagine what an area would look like after a police search and a burglary. This is what my area looks like most of the time. Allen
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