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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. https://www.captainhookswarehouse.com/store/products/hooks-by-manufacturer/eagle-claw/?cat=9fa65785-3999-4281-b73a-90dabc144525 Try here as well. Allen
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ROCK-ISLAND-EAGLE-CLAW-1623-JIG-HOOKS-100-ct/283105774012?hash=item41ea6b49bc:g:e8wAAOSwH3ZbdFtA Allen
  3. .032 Piano wire. Allen
  4. Most of the time 22 gauge as it works the best overall. Allen
  5. That should last you for a week or two? Allen
  6. Mine says if I die she is just going to get a roll off dumpster and throw it all away. My friends have told her to just call them and they will remove it all for her. Allen
  7. I could be on an episode of hoarders bass fishing edition. Allen
  8. Now have 2 66 quart tubs full to get rid of. Allen
  9. Slowly of the past couple of years I have been getting rid of stuff but always seemed to buy more. Well I finally decided to get rid of a lot of it because it isn't used and just in the way. So far I have about 100 hard baits NIP set aside for cull but need to find another box for more. I keep finding stuff that I do not remember buying including rods which is crazy. Allen
  10. Making the molds.
  11. This is how the machine works.
  12. Pours lead lures using centrifugal force. You can make a lot more baits this way. The guy that showed me this I helped make some shad darts with. We were able to make 1500 of them in about 90 minutes. Allen
  13. Experimenting is the best way to learn. Let me know if I can help? Allen
  14. Most places have been mentioned already but if you need them in bulk try Cast Industries. Allen
  15. Going to make one of these to speed up the process myself. Allen
  16. I am running double foot 10, 6, and then size 5 runners on my casting rods. Anything smaller than a 4 guide just seems to small for me. Allen
  17. Thanks! Figured this is the best way to make custom baits. Initially I will just be making a lot of Ned and tube heads until I figure out how to make masters. Sky's the limit after that. Allen
  18. Leaving behind the hand pour world of lead lures and going to spincast. So excited as I have wanted to do this for over a decade. Allen
  19. Bought a 3" TJ's one myself and will be order 2 or 3 more soon. Allen
  20. Buzzbait
  21. I have to get rid of stuff as it has become a problem. You can barely walk around my basement because of fishing stuff everywhere. Allen
  22. It does get expensive to try and have all the different combinations. Personally I have like 7 spinnerbait molds myself. Allen
  23. FFO tackle may have some? Allen
  24. While realistically I could spend $1k on a setup I never would. Having bass fished for over 30 years I know what I like by now. All the new rods with the crazy colors and handles just don't appeal to me. This has forced me into making custom rods that depending on different variables will cost between $100 and 200 in parts so far. As for reels I like the old 600 series Quantum baitcasters from about 15 years ago. I bought 11 BNIP years ago on close out for like $85 each. Those along with others I have and the fact that I tare them down every year for cleaning means I am good for awhile. Allen
  25. Use to catch them while catfishing all the time. The first one I ever caught scared the crap out of me because I thought it was a snake. Allen
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