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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Still my overall go to brand of hardbaits. Allen
  2. That's my plan, I am moving things from the basement to the newly renovated garage bait shop. Things I don't need will be sold or traded so they won't take up room. Allen
  3. Just went through and inventoried some of my stuff and I have 38 hand pour lead molds that I have found. Hopefully in the next couple of months I can sell off about half of these as I will no longer need them (especially the dam Ned head mold that is a PITA to pour in any volume). Who else has a tacklemaking addiction that they are willing to share? Allen
  4. Mojo and Avid the same? Have the Mojo rods changed then over the years? I looked at them when they first came out and put them in a category below the Premier. Like someone mentioned you are looking to cover a lot with one rod. Allen
  5. These are some originals , the hooks seem small to me but I am going to make some. Does anyone here use these? Allen
  6. Best bet for that would be a Shawn Collins mold on Ebay but his run about $125 each. Allen
  7. Personally I use 1/8oz about 75% of the time in water up to 30FOW. Occasionally I will use 3/16 or 1/4oz depending on wind or current but that is rare for me. Allen
  8. Gambler Otter was the creature bait that disappointed me the most. I have caught some fish on the D-Bomb but I will stick with Smallie Beavers and Zoom Hog baits. No use in searching for a new bait when I have caught 1000+ fish on my favorites. And if its the last thing I ever do in fishing I am going to catch a dam fish on a chatterbait. If I have to add a big treble and just snag a carp I will do it just to say I caught something on it. Allen
  9. Wish you could come down as well. I definitely need some lessons in tieing hair jigs. Allen
  10. New lead pot, placed a full size jig on top as a size reference. Allen
  11. I have a Cabelas one that is the biggest tackle bag I have ever seen. Good news is it will hold as much tackle as you could ever want. Bad news is you will not be able to carry it from the weight. This thing looks like a hocky bad and you could easily fit a midget in it. Came with like 15 3700 Plano boxes inside it and there was still room. Allen
  12. Plan on inviting anyone local to a tackle making day at my house in the fall. My garage will be finished then and all my luremaking stuff will be ready. I have like 30 hand pour lead molds and about the same number of soft plastic ones. There was some discussion on this last year but it got canceled. Anything you want to learn how to make we can do. Hopefully someone has a camera so we can make some videos for the rest of the site that's interested. Allen
  13. This just fizzled out like the other one. Allen
  14. What are you looking for as I am looking to sell off about $1k worth of baits before Christmas. Spincast equipment cost me about $7k after everything is done so I need to get rid of a lot of things. Allen
  15. Wouldn't let me upload all the pics. Mine is not which is why I have been working on my garage to store a bunch of it there. Then again she just bought a Jeep and we have Jeep parts everywhere which is a good defensive argument for the fishing stuff. What is crazy is I have donated 13 rods and about $300 worth of lures to the Jr Bassmasters. I sold 7 other rods and only bought I new one in the past 3 years. Additionally I have given away about $500 in lures to younger anglers here and on other forums. I barely made a dent in my "spare tackle" which is why I will have a massive sell off in a couple of months. And for anyone that may ask because of the pictures my OCD is cured. Allen
  16. First pic is my dining room, second is the living room. Allen Basement spares mostly Lucky Craft. More basement spares.
  17. Issue with posting a reply but I bet I do have the equivalent of 7 rooms worth of tackle. Allen
  18. old pick but PM me your phone number and I will send you the latest pics. Show them to your wife and say that this is what a fishing stuff hoarder really looks like. Allen PM me your phone number and I will send you some pictures of what a real tackle hoarding problem looks like. Show them to her and say I could be like this guy. Allen
  19. Spinning I would look for a 6-6 medium that you like and a Pluger President reel. Not sure what I would recommend for casting as I like reels that are 12 years old and no longer made. I will give you this advice though, for bottom baits spend more on the rod. Moving baits spend more on the reel. Currently I have a $250 IMX rod with a $30 Abu Garcia spinning reel along with some $200 Quantum Energy reels on $80 St Croix premier crankbait rods. Allen
  20. We have a local spot along a creek that is or at least was excellent fishing. Land up to the creek is private but the owner let anyone fish. Well people started leaving trash everywhere which upset him. He then posted signs that said it is private property and a privilege to fish there not a right so pick up your trash. He was ignored so the no trespassing no fishing signs went up and people got mad. Now you can fish there but you need to respectfully approach the owner and ask for permission. He is a nice gentleman but doesn't like his property being trashed. Allen
  21. Green pumpkin and solid black are what I use most often. Allen
  22. For 10" worms I use one Owner makes that is 7/0. Allen
  23. Skirt strand count is different person to person. For me since swim jigs are a clear water bait I use 2 or 2.5 tabs. This allows the strands to move freely and not just look like a blob coming through the water. Allen
  24. They use this wire so that they can plate the heads and wires in silver or gold. Allen
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