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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Anything with a white belly will work. Allen
  2. All depends on what effect I am trying to create. Normal jigs I will use 2 tabs of the main color and 1/2 of the accent. Bluegill ones though will have a bunch of different colors. Allen
  3. Thin coat of fingernail polish should work. Allen
  4. You need to study up on marketing. There are1k guys out there making baits so you need to do something that wants them to buy your baits. I have looked into this myself and I am going with uniqueness with lead lures. Remaking discontinued lures and things that everyone is looking for and some unique creations. Allen
  5. These are size 4 what all the Ned purists want. I can use size 2 hooks in it but not sure about any others? Had some trouble with it casting correctly but was able to make about 150 heads in about 90 minutes. Allen
  6. My two colors for topwater are black or white belly. While it doesn't catch the numbers a MS Black (I think that is what it is called) LC Sammy has caught me a lot of bigger SM in the river. Allen
  7. Mold for the smaller ones is done. Allen
  8. This one is 80lbs and the biggest they sell without switching to 240v. Allen
  9. I wish I could tie so I could make some hair jigs? Everything is good until it comes time for me to make the knot then everything unravels which starts the profanities and things being thrown. Allen
  10. PM me your info and what weights and hook sizes. I am constantly pouring these and have some laying around in various stages of build. Once I figure out how to correctly make a spincast mold I am going to sell off most of my hand pour molds. Allen
  11. That maybe tough if he is like me? I know the Collins mold I have for jigs is the main one I use and need to pour a ton of jigs for the upcoming shows in the area. Allen
  12. Not going to get into fly fishing. I tried it before and after 2 days I Thor Hammer threw my fly rod into the Potomac River. Allen
  13. I still have some laying around. Allen
  14. The whole reason I started making lures is I could not find what I wanted. Allen
  15. This is what I have heard as well? I thought it had to do with the shape of the bait myself. The smallie beaver is my #1 flippin and pitchin bait period. Allen
  16. I need to borrow a weedless wacky jig mold if anyone has one? This is the head that is used for flick shakes. Allen
  17. Well I just recieved some 1/8 and 3/16oz ones with the 2/0 hook. Still looking for some of the big johns if I can find them . Allen
  18. Yes, same username. Allen
  19. First mold I have made for a spincast. Still working out some kinks but I have the tube, gopher,ned, and draggin heads filling correctly now. Allen
  20. Circling back around on this one. I am getting together a list of molds now just so I know what I have. Also going to see what I can use. Allen
  21. Cast Industries is where you should look. You will have to but like 200 of each size but they make them so they are never out of stock. Allen
  22. A kindred spirit. Allen
  23. Yes, that and the cigar. Allen
  24. My work in progress tackle making area. Allen
  25. I will be getting rid of a bunch of mine over the next year as I move to spincast. Allen
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