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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. My issue is I grew up very poor and could not afford the fishing stuff I wanted. Now that I make a 6 figure salary I can afford what ever I want but don't have as much time to fish. The less time I have to fish the more I want to go so I buy lures for when I can go. It got out of hand for a couple years but I have reigned it in lately. Allen
  2. Not sure this is the correct place for it so Mods feel free to move if not. I upgraded from a 24v to 36v Fortrex and went with a lithium 60A battery. World of difference! Boat can now get on plane with the TM and I lost 92lbs of weight in the rear of my boat. Can't explain how much better the boat performs and while the battery and charger were $1300 it is well worth it. Allen
  3. I will say I have a few extra lures lying around? This winter I will be selling off about $2k worth of lures just to clean out my basement of unused stuff. So if you are looking for something I probably have it besides wiggle warts I have sold them off. Allen
  4. Giving away another secret! The 4.8 in Cola is the flick shake worm that works best for me. Allen
  5. Try the War Eagle Screaming Eagle. Allen
  6. Same thing I do. Allen
  7. Then Zman would sue him. Allen
  8. Same boat! I figured I will use all the lures I have bought by 2135. Allen
  9. Thanks! Most of the time I am using green pumkin or solid black so I never learn the names of new colors. Allen
  10. In Reaction Innovations I do when the sun is out. I think the red flake helps out under these circumstances. Allen
  11. Everyone and their brother uses them around here but they are hard to find for some reason. Supply and demand is why I will be making a few of them. My record is 920 1/8 tubeheads in an hour by myself so they are not hard to mass produce. Allen
  12. 213 down and 123 more heads drying in the garage. Next up is pouring a couple thousand tube heads. Allen
  13. Is bamabug the pumpkinseed over orange with black flake? Allen
  14. Other colors I am making for the shows this winter. Allen
  15. My 1/0 hooks just arrived today and I need to hand pour some to use as masters. Allen
  16. So what is your secret color that others probably haven't heard of? For me it's Zoom scuppernong which Jackal calls cola. Its a translucent brown with no flakes and has done very well for me in clear water. For most Zoom baits it is a special run color that is hard to find. Allen
  17. They now make a clevis that lets you change the front blade. Have not tried them yet but it is an option. Allen
  18. I was once told that blood is salty so when they bite a bait that is what they are thinking. No idea if it is true or not but that's what I heard. When I pour my own plastics the only time I use salt is for flukes. Allen
  19. I told him his prices are too low. Allen
  20. Big, I think they are like size 8 or 10 copper hammered Colorado blades. Allen
  21. This reminds me that I have some more of those blades to send you. I still can't believe you use ones that big on a bass bait. Allen
  22. Solid chartreuse. Allen
  23. Zman head Allen
  24. In my younger years I could pull this off but not anymore. Allen
  25. Fishing Lure Stickers - Decals, Bait Stickers & More (lurepartsonline.com) Here is where you can get the blade stickers. If you use them coat the blade with Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails fingernail polish. If you think its too thick dilute it with rubbing alcohol. Allen
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