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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. I have like 50 of those jigheads in my garage in 1/8oz. Someone sent me one and asked if I could make a bunch before I knew what they were. Its a simple design that I can see why it works for that application and at $10 for 2 they are mighty proud of them. Allen
  2. So I did an experiment like 15 years ago with hair jigs. It was freezing cold in January and I had cabin fever. I took a couple different jigs down to fish off the bank at a place that always holds fish no matter what. Water temp was 36 degrees and ultra clear where I was at so I could see what the jigs looked like in the water. Marabou and bucktail just went to a point which had zero action to it. The bear hair however kept its form and the individual strands of hair barely moved. To me it looked like something alive that was very cold and not trying to expend any energy. I can't explain it exactly but it looked so natural I then understood why it worked. Add a pork chunk to it and it completed the package. The closest thing I have found to bear is the stuff Punisher sells but it still does not compare IMO. Now if I could only find some polar bear hair that I could dye green pumkin I would be set. Black bear isn't that hard to find but brown and polar have been tough. Hell I would even try some panda if I could get a hold of some. Allen
  3. We fish them around here in cold water 33 to 40 degrees during the winter. While I have used a lot of different stuff nothing works as well as bear hair. The ones I use a local guy ties for me but if you're looking for some contact smalljaw67 on here. He is a master with hair jigs and has several YouTube videos on tying them. Allen
  4. ebay unless you want a lot of them? I have size 3.5 and 4 nickel willows if you want a couple to try out. As for Stanley from what I remember the blade has a tapered thickness. Not sure about the cup though? Hildabrant blades are thicker as well and I am not sure what this is supposed to accomplish? Maybe greater weight to increase drag for a tighter turn radius? Don't know I just know their plating quality has gone down hill in the last couple of years. Allen
  5. When I was in Missouri for the Army it seemed like the wilder the color the more the spots liked it. SM keyed on more natural colors as well as the LM but they liked purples as well. If I threw a carolina rig I could pick which fish I wanted to catch buy the color. Tequila sunrise I was catching LM, Pumkin or GP SM, something crazy like blue silver glitter with chart. tail was all spots from the same lake. Allen
  6. Picnic basket on a ratchetting reel like they use for Marlin. I am sure they will put up a fight and try to climb some trees in the process. Allen
  7. Let me know which ones you want to try and I can send you some. I have bought about 5k blades in the past 6 months so I have a few spares. Allen
  8. No I buy them from the same manufacturers as Barlow's. JannsNetcraft. Lurepartsonline. Allen
  9. If you want to do a scientific experiment and post your results here I will send you the baits. Both will be identical except for blade cup. Allen
  10. This is what I thought as well when I bought them. Figured they would have a tighter turn radius good for burning. They turned out to be the opposite swinging wider, having more lift, and spinning at a lower speed. Allen
  11. Giving out all the secrets. Allen
  12. Jakes bait and tackle in Winchester, VA is what I was referring to. Anglers (whatever its really called) right on the western shore of the Bay bridge actually has some good bass stuff. Allen
  13. Only one close to me is about 45 minutes away and I try to go down at least once a month. Places around here have slowly closed down over the years. There is one in Williamsport with potential but the store is only open about 15 hours a week. Allen
  14. Normally I use smaller blades than normal baits. Only change is the lower Potomac river where the baitfish are bigger. Allen
  15. Plan on trying the rick crawlers next year. Allen
  16. Thinking about chartreuse blades with silver glitter right now. Tried to paint some last night but the glitter paint was way too thick to spray even after reducing it. Allen
  17. Writers sometimes suffer from writers block and I am currently suffering from spinnerbait makers block. Figured I would ask the masses here what they think. Not sure of what blades to go with on this bait? I have a couple options in my head but wonder what others would go with so I figured I would ask. Allen
  18. Let me know if you want to try some of the VMC ones as I just bought 1k of each size. Allen
  19. I have invited anyone that wants to come up my was. Figured I could show anyone who wants to learn how to make baits. From bare hook to completed bait so you can make something to catch fish on from scratch. Not a lot of interest so far but smalljaw67 said he would stop by so hopefully we can make some videos for his YouTube channel. Allen
  20. Are you saying everything on the internet is not true? Allen
  21. I see how it is now! Guess I should just start my own for those of us that celebrate Kwanzaa. Going to call it Kwanzaamas. Allen
  22. Is this the thing I completely missed last year for some unknown reason? Allen
  23. Since you asked for a bait off the shelf I would go with the War Eagle Screaming Eagle in 1/2 or 3/4. Screaming Eagle baits have smaller blades and frame size. This causes 2 things; bait can be reeled faster without rolling, or it will fish deeper given a standard retrieval. Allen
  24. Bored so I made one to try. Allen
  25. VMC makes a 1/0 and 2/0 hook but neither fit in the Doit mold without modification. My plan was to hand pour just enough heads to use in a spincast mold. After I started pouring them I remembered how much I hate pouring Ned heads. Allen
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