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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Hair jigs and 2.5" tubes fished very slowly. Allen
  2. I am a minimalist myself! Now that Aj guy seems to have a problem. Allen
  3. Straight black! Allen
  4. 15 years later
  5. Trying to order some custom blades from someone on Facebook and was quoted 1.2 million for like 500 blades. Thought he was crazy until I looked into the exchange rate. Its equivalent to about $87 US which means I can be a millionaire if I move to Indonesia. Allen
  6. I have been making tubeheads to sell out our local winter shows and everyone wants something different. Its split on the 60 versus 90 as to what people want. Personally I don't like 90 degree heads unless I am fishing vertically in 15+ FOW. That said I have also started making stupid tube heads for a local guy that contacted me. Allen
  7. Munkin

    Blade sizes

    I think that's what they are? Allen
  8. Apparently there are no size standards in blades. The willow is a size 4 and the other 2 are listed as size 6 or 6.5. Based on my other blades they should be like size 10. Allen
  9. I think the 3 eyed sqarebill crankbait works better. Allen Or the Reservoir Dawgs Mr. White. I have the whole set of 4. Allen
  10. Watermelon barbed wire with either purple or blue flake, pumpkinseed chartreuse tips, and orange black/orange flakes. Allen
  11. Asked before what blades I should go with on this bait. Well I went with these that are silver on one side and chartreuse on the other. Allen
  12. Black Hills Lake Seneca here in Merryland has the weirdest slot limit. One fish over 15" and 4 under 11" nothing in between. Normal keeper size for the state is 12" except some trophy areas. Allen
  13. Manufacturing was moved to China, things went downhill from there. Allen
  14. Berkeley Gilley baits. Allen
  15. Kinami rad shad Rattle trap RES Allen
  16. Hobby lobby has plenty of stuff for lure making as well. Allen
  17. There's a guy on Facebook named Dion Brewster who makes those and can use whatever hooks you want. Allen
  18. Lurepartsonline or Barlow's is where I get stuff most of the time. Like someone said you can't get everything you need from one source. Now if you are looking at making thousands of baits there are other places. They just will not sell you 50 of anything. Hooks I have been buying by the thousand. Spinnerbait frames I think my last order was 12k?Wire keepers not sure how many I got but the box weighed 22lbs. Allen
  19. Come on that meme I posted was PG and funny! Allen
  20. 10lb straight floro Allen
  21. Have not tried them but I plan on buying some. Allen
  22. So I see where people are asking about favorite colors for specific baits. What I would like to do is expand on this based on the bait and specific situation. Soft plastics= To me soft plastics generally fall into two categories; bottom bumping and up in the water column. So my bottom baits will be natural in color. Baits I fish in the column are a different color based on the current conditions. The darker the water the more I need the bait to stand out with the inverse being the clearer the water the more translucent I want the bait. Crankbaits = Since these perform better in stained to muddy water I need bait color and rattles to reflect this. There are only a few cranks that I have that work in clear water so I rarely throw them in these conditions. Water clarity and fishing pressure dictate what I use here but if I could only throw one color it would be chartreuse with a dark back. Rattling baits work great in muddy water but may not work as well in areas with heavy fishing pressure like everywhere in the state of Maryland. More to follow Allen
  23. Nothing? I need to get rid of some stuff and could use a good cause. Allen
  24. I have one of those as well: Zoom Castic Choice. It is GP over pumpkinseed and when I saw it I thought now here is a winner. Nope, caught like 3 bass on that color. I could catch them on both solid pumpkinseed or GP but switch to Castic choice and nothing. Finally just gave away or melted down the baits I had in that color. Allen
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