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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. If I am swimming it like a baitfish then a Keitech fat impact 3.8 is what I use most of the time. Craw trailer I have been using a chigger craw. Allen
  2. You may want to look into some fine cut silicone material for the second set of jigs. Allen
  3. I just bought a bunch of those skirts from someone from Facebook. Allen
  4. Munkin

    Top 5

    Since it is winter I figured I could start a top 5 post. Crankbaits- RC 1.5, Manns baby 1-, Bandit 100 to 300,Rebel Deep wee-r, SK 5 series silent. Topwater- TD popper, LC Sammy, LC Gunfish, Jackal Bonnie, White buzzbait. Worms- Zoom swamp crawler, Berkeley shakeyhead worm, Berkeley 7" curltail,Jackal flick shake, Slider style worm. Creature baits- RI Smallie beaver, Yamamoto kreature bait, Zoom super hog and baby brush hog, Berkeley power hawg. Spinnerbaits- I roll my own but the only factory bait I throw regularly is the SK midnight special with a black nickel blade. Allen
  5. Think my favorite is called stardust shad? Two honorable mentions are clear laker and matte shad though. Allen
  6. Just looked at a map of the pond. Most of my fish were caught beside Trap Pond road closer to the boat ramp. Biggest fish I caught in the park on the pier they have. Allen
  7. It is warmer there in January.
  8. You are correct about Liberty, it requires a special permit. You can then only use the boat at Liberty, Tridelphia, and I forget the third place. Allen
  9. Everyone and their brother sells hair jigs at this show. Most are the Butch Ward style that are popular around here. I got lucky a couple months ago and was able to buy all of Butch's original molds and stuff. These molds should probably be in a fishing museum instead of my garage. Allen
  10. Don't know how I missed this? The best day I have ever had fishing for big bass was at Trap Pond. I was staying in Delaware for 2 weeks annual National Guard training. Hit Trap pond in the evening and I have never caught so many big bass. Biggest I caught on a Timber Tiger wake bait that went 6-4. Pike took that lure so I switched to a Horny toad. That evening I caught 11 fish over 5lbs on the toad, I didn't bother even counting all the fish under 5. All of the fish were caught from shore in July with most being caught right where the road meets the pond. It is also the only time I have had a fish break 20lb line. Allen
  11. Yes, there and one at the Monohan,PA show. You going to drive over from MO? It's only like a 15 hour drive (had to drive it a couple times). Allen
  12. I don't know that area but have fished the Upper Potomac River for 40 years. Best advice I can give you is don't wade in any water you cannot clearly see the bottom. Most places in the summer you can walk from Maryland to WV across the river. Allen
  13. How to apply Archimedes principle of buoyancy for a non-math genious. You need a postal scale, cup of water that is the temperature of the water you want the bait to suspend in. Place the cup of water on the scale and zero it. Grab the bait buy the rear hook hanger with pliers and submerge it completely. This would be the weight needed to make the bait neutrally buoyant at the current water temperature. Weigh the components, add the weight of clear,etc. and subtract from the scale weight. You can adjust the ballast weight from there depending on what you want the bait to do. I did not come up with this method it was taught to me by Vodkaman over on TU and is the best luremaking tip I have ever received. The guy is some sort of engineer and I have to give him credit. Allen
  14. I do but not very good at it. Color recipes are the secret to consistently. I just mix stuff together until I like the way it looks. Most soft plastics I just buy with the exception being jig trailers that I use a lot of and things I can't find to buy. Working on a couple custom molds right now that I hope to have done by spring. Allen
  15. When did they stop working? Allen
  16. Bear hair jig in 1/8 to 1/4oz with or without a custom poured trailer. Allen
  17. Still trying to catch up on the new baits I have bought over the past couple of years. Allen
  18. I have caught big fish (For Maryland) at all times of the day. For some unknown reason March and August are the months I seem to catch my biggest fish. March I can understand but August I can't figure out. Allen
  19. Firetiger for me. Allen
  20. I will call you later and explain how to calculate ballast. Archimedes Principle for the non math genius. Allen
  21. Clearance Items (columbiacoatings.com) Direct link Allen
  22. Columbia Coatings is currently having a sale on powder paint. There are like 200 colors on sale for $5 a pound. Just figured I would pass this along to my tackle making brethren. Allen
  23. This with a solid black worm is my go-to bait on the Upper Potomac when things get tough. Allen
  24. Non of these baits work please delete this post. Send all of these baits to me for proper disposal. Allen
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