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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. I can't get to the places where the bigger fish are. Allen
  2. They need to move all they can to the Upper Potomac. Allen
  3. I use to watch it all the time when I was a kid on TNN outdoors. The Bassmasters, Jimmy Houston, and The Fishin Hole with Jerry, Allen
  4. Tactical Bassin and Glen's video's are the only ones I watch. Now I do watch some of the luremaking videos on YouTube. I have been speaking with smalljaw67 and have decided I need to start making my own. Allen
  5. I think about bass fishing several hours a day. Either I am fishing, thinking about fishing, making lures, etc. Allen
  6. Seriously the last time I watched the Classic cliff Pace one? When everyone talks about the MLF and other tournaments I have no idea nor do I care. I doubt I can name 3 pros that have started in the past 10 years? Only one I know is the guy named after VW stereos that is always whining about something that comes through my Facebook feed. Allen
  7. Forget her name at the moment but the office manager knows a lot of the colors by memory. Heard they finally received stock that has been on backorder. Allen
  8. Call St Croix, more that likely they will send you a new tip. I have had this happen with both a St Croix and GLoomis rod where the tip was crushed by someone stepping on it. GLoomis rep wasn't sure of the tip size so they sent me 6 different ones. Allen
  9. Just experimenting? Balsa= Hobby Lobby Cedar or PVC trim board= Lowes Allen
  10. Personally I like full cork rear grips on casting rods because I cast with two hands. Spinning it does not matter because I only use one hand, Allen
  11. Just saw it on Facebook. Allen
  12. So are we going to do a Black Hills GTG next year? Figured we can start planning it now so everyone can make plans. Allen
  13. Anyone have any Zoom tiny chunks that can take some measurements for me? When I look online I get 3 different sizes and my local tackle places do not have any in stock to buy? Length, width, and depth is what I am looking for. Allen
  14. So some dummy threw snakeheads in Black Hills? Well that is great. Allen
  15. What I have noticed is size 4 and smaller Lakeland and Worth are equal. Once you get over that size they start varying in size. Allen
  16. What! If you swim a non-swimming jig the Earth will rotate off its axes and spin into the sun destroying all life on the planet. Allen
  17. I was going to recommend the tube trick you mentioned. Learned it watching Ike's BPS finesse fishing DVD. Maybe a silver buddy or flutter spoon? Allen
  18. See the Flick Shake works on both of the countries coast for clear deep water. Allen
  19. Best day I ever had for big fish was at Trap Pond. Caught 10 bass over 5lbs one evening on a Zoom toad. Allen
  20. White is more for me to be able to see than matching the hatch. Allen
  21. I keep reading about people on here that are losing skirts to Pike, Musky, Coelacanth. Suggest you try the Lumiflex skirts and wire tie them on. The material is stretchy which should hold up a lot better than silicon skirting? As for where to buy it we will have to wait until Roadwarrior replies as I lost the link he sent me. Allen
  22. Not sure how popular they still are but a white Roostertail spinner will catch just about anything that swims in this state. Allen
  23. Since I have a few "Spare" lures I have been donating to Jr Bassmaster clubs the past couple of years. Currently I donate stuff to 2 Maryland teams, 1 West Virginia, 1 Pennsylvania, and an Illinois team. The local Maryland kids make out as they help me out at some of the shows locally. One kid in particular reminded me of myself when I was his age so I asked him what baits he would buy if he had a lot of money? His father seemed a little embarrassed that he couldn't buy his son whatever he wanted so I told a 12 year old to lie about the value of the Megabass Visions I gave him. Allen
  24. Little backstory on me, I grew up poor and always wanted to buy the stuff I saw on the Bassmasters at 12 but could not afford it. A local gentleman that was really into fishing use to give us kids in the neighborhood lures and even when I had money I tried to pay him but he never accepted. His answer was don't pay me, when you become an adult do for kids like I have done for you? This always stuck with me so now I try to give back to any kids I come across. The Army was both good and bad to me but taught me many lessons and gave me opportunities to better my life. Now there isn't anything Bass related I can't buy at least two of if I want. Where am I going with this well anytime I am fishing and see kids struggling to catch fish I step in like tonight, There were two boys trying to catch so fish at a local creek with no luck and their father was not much of a fisherman. I had been catching little SM non-stop when they arrived so I figured I would help. They were hitting that 2.5" Zman bait that looks like a beaver nonstop so I casted it out and after I hooked them I ask them to watch my rod for bites. Pretended like I was checking my phone or tackle bag while they catch these monster 10" SM. Not sure which one of us was happier but when I left I gave them the only pack of baits I had and the jigheads to go with it. I do this all the time and have actually cut the only bait I have that is working off to give it to some kid struggling to catch fish. For me I like paying it forward and I think it brings me good Karma while fishing. Allen
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