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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. 100 size or the Gunnish 95 is all I use anymore. Allen
  2. Where can I get some of those perch colored minnow baits? Allen
  3. What does that top one weigh? Most of the places I fish are not even that deep. Allen
  4. Munkin

    Weed guards

    Super Glue Gel and 5 minute Devcon epoxy works best for me. Allen
  5. http://www.lurehardware.com/ Try here Allen
  6. shawncollinscustoms.com is where I bought the first two and they are hand pour. I wanted more detail in the head so the next two I am getting from tight line which will be spincast molds. You can make your own molds out of bondo, plaster of paris, silicone, RTV, etc. Right now I am making crankbaits out of Aluminite Resin and microballoons in a silicone mold. Allen
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/Bagley-P-S3F1-BR9-color-lure-crankbait-bait_W0QQitemZ170192314324QQihZ007QQcategoryZ7300QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Since my other link was blocked or whatever. Bagley small fry bream. Allen
  8. You really have to check out fishingskirts.com! He just posted about 20 new colors and was even nice enough to make a roadkill colored skirt tab for me. I just received one of every color he makes in the mail today and man are they nice. I am not on any pro staff or anything but just passing along some info that may help others. Allen
  9. Ball head with a 60 degree flat eye is the best all around jighead for me. Allen
  10. You will still do it because you like it trust me! I have at least 300 spinnerbaits but I keep making more. Now I am waiting on custom spinnerbait mold # 3 and 4 to arrive. Allen
  11. Add salt so it actually sinks without adding a lead weight. Allen
  12. Anything but Gulp!!!! Allen
  13. http://www.another site.com/tacklestore/showcase.cfm?PID=2568 This bait in the 0-1' diver has worked great for me in ponds and small lakes. Allen
  14. Isn't that the truth! I can pour a craw chunk real well now but my little 3" drop shot minnow sucks tp pour! Allen
  15. They are what you add to make the bait float. Straight aluminite will slowly sink and the micro balloons are a filler that adds bouancy. Allen
  16. I have tried pouring these before but with a large hook and a small head I had problems. There was not much room for both the hook and base hole pin so the weedguards didn't want to stay in. The only way I could get it to work close was to use the 1/4oz cavity and pour straight solder which is alot less dense than lead. Allen
  17. THe cranks I have been making are poured out of Aluminite urethane resin and microballoons in a silicone mold. Allen
  18. I have been using thru wire on my crankbaits because it is just easier but mine are not made of wood. Allen
  19. The reason I ask is I am having a custom head spun and cannot choose a weight? I too fish spinnerbaits from 1/8-1oz but at $125+ per size molds would get really expensive. Most of the time I am using a 3/8 or 1/2oz depending on different situations. If I can' t soon guess I will just go with 7/16oz and call it a day. Allen
  20. What weight does everyone use? I am guessing that 3/8 and 1/2 are the two most popular sizes but wanted to ask. Allen
  21. Worms specifically or soft plastics in general? For some reason I have't used a curly tailed worm in years. The worm I use the most is a Zoom finesse worm because it just works. Creature baits and lizards work really well so I would pick up some. Below I will post the soft plastics that I would not be without. Zoom finesse worm- green pumkin, black, smokey joe Zoom baby brush hog- green pumkin 90% of the time I use this color Zoom 6" lizard- black, white, tequila sunrise, natural blue Kinami flash 4"- natural shad, gold shad, watermelon Wincos jerk shad- pearl glimmer (this is a hand poured fluke that sinks) Zoom tiny fluke- the 2.5" one in albino for drop shotting If you notice I do not used a lot of different colors as I have learned they are not needed. When in doubt use green pumkin as it just works everywhere. Allen
  22. Are you talking about the hook hangers? All the crankbaits I have seen either have screw in eyelets or whats called thru wire which is a single piece of wire. Allen
  23. The jigheads are going in the mail today along with a couple drop shot minnows. I am trying a new method of dipping the heads in clear plastic after I but they eyes on to ecure them let me know what you think. Allen
  24. http://www.barlowstackle.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&Product_ID=2885&CATID=57 Actually a 45 degree but it fits in the 60 degree mold. Allen
  25. Those baits are molded as one piece the lip and body are not seperate. You can grind down some of the lip to alter the action but not remove it. It would be easier to make a complete bait out of balsa than remove the current lip and replace it. Allen
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