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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. What do you consider "cold" water? All the lures mentioned work in different water temps but when I think "cold" water it is sub 40 degrees. For my definition of cold water the best thing I have found is a small bear hair jig. Allen
  2. This has been an odd year for me fishing compared to the last couple. First Black Hills was on fire this spring with every trip there I had 25+ fish gooing up to 5lbs. Four Locks in March was the best I have ever had and I have been fishing there for 20 years. Big Slackwater which is usually 5 times better than Four Locks on any given day has been a bust. The Lower Potomac was better than average and I even caught two red drum between Mattawoman and Chic creeks on a spinnerbait. Cunnigham falls and Blairs valley were better than usual but Greenbrier isn't worth the gas and I live 15minutes away. Allen
  3. RI Smallie Beavers in Green Pumkin or Watermelon depending on how clear the water is. T-rig them using a 1/8- 1/4oz bullet head and you are good to go. Flyseagles is correct about the tubes but personally I do not like tubes. Allen
  4. Yes, his name is Scott and he use to work for Bowers Marine in Hagerstown. I lost his number but I am working on contacting him about replacing my water pump. I will contact you once I get his info. Allen
  5. We arrived right as you guys were still putting in. My club is small and we only had 4 boats for this tournament, I was in the in my silver Xpress. Not a bad day but when the sun came up they went deep and I had to find another pattern about 11am. I did win our tournament and while we use some paper weight calculator I had about 16lbs. Allen
  6. So what was your clubs winning weight today? I have never seen an armada of bass boats like that at Black Hills before. FOB shirts slinging green finesse worms all over that lake today. Allen
  7. This is what I do as well. From personal experience I would stay away from the amber collars as the dry rot quicker than any other ones. Allen
  8. They are all floating docks and I like to be different so I stay away from them. Allen
  9. Very clear lake so natural colors work best for me. Most of the bass fishermen will be flippin the floating docks as this is the standard DC pattern. The last couple of times I fished there it was tough (there was a large fish kill) and the pleasure boat traffic was horrible. Now I will only fish it in the spring or fall and the best bait is a LC slender pointer 97mr in ghost minnow. Be warned about using high dollar lures though as the pickerral attack any and all bass lures. Allen
  10. That is the best place I know to catch walleye and they really like white spinnerbaits or hard jerkbaits. Craigslist would be you best bet. Allen
  11. That hook is great for any jig period. Allen
  12. Deep Creek Lake Maryland? Allen
  13. There are walleye in the Upper Potomac in both the Four Locks and Big Slackwater sections. I catch some every year by accident at both places and you can launch any boat under 30'. If you really want to target them Deep Creek Lake is your best bet as it is a deep clear highland lake. The other place you may want to try is Randolf Jennings as I have heard it is great for Walleye but I personally have not fished there. Allen
  14. The hotter it gets the deeper the bass will be at Black Hills. They will be shallow in the morning but when the sun is out only dinks and panfish are shallow from my experience. Something I have observed here is from the pics is those catching spawning fish are fishing the main lake. Bass spawn in waves starting from the backs of the coves then outward onto the main lake. Fish in the main lake spawn last because it is the last to warm up. Allen
  15. http://www.barlowstackle.com/Gamakatsu-2034-EWG-Jig-Hook-P420C41.aspx It maybe this hook? Allen
  16. You need to throw a 4" Kinami flash in "Natural shad" weightless T-rigged into there and you will definately catch them. Allen
  17. Are you fishing for SM specifically or just bass? While there are SM in Lake Haabeb the biggest one I have ever caught is 16" but I regularly catch 4-5lb LM. The dam riprap is where most of the SM are but like I said they run a lot smaller than the LM. Allen
  18. It maybe several things but I would start by cleaning all the contacts first. This should help but the battery is most likely getting weak. Allen
  19. ebay is your best bet for something like that? Allen
  20. For everyone not catching anything at Black Hills I will add this advice; since we have been in a warming trend the past couple of days start out with your favorite crankbait, spinnerbait or swim bait. If that does not produce or you do not see any fish following the bait it is time to switch up. I will not go into great detail about my techniques on this page but I suggest pitchin whatever bait you feel confident in at the laydowns. I fish BH a lot along with several other places in the state and right now I am dialed in to the fish. My last two trips to BH produced about 40 bass so I kind of know what I am doing. If you want so more specific info sent me a PM all I ask is if I give you info about how to catch them you not post it for the world to see in a public forum. I spend a lot of time on the water and would like to help others that are struggling I just do not want 20 boats fishing a hole I apent time finding because someone posted it on the WWW. Allen
  21. We had a club tournament last weekend and I caught at least 15 keepers. From reading other posts I think you guys need to slow down and fish more methodically. White spinnerbaits work well at time there but not all the time? Everyone was throwing one last weekend and no fish were caught using them. Allen
  22. Hit Black Hills myself yesterday and can say some of the fish are spawning. Even though the water was stained from the rain I could still see beds in some of the coves. Caught maybe 20 with the biggest going about 5lbs? Allen
  23. http://www.basspro.com/EZ-Lure-Retriever-Kit/product/52869/118222 Lure retrievers will pay for themselves in a single day of fishing. I use the one I posted in the link above all the time to get back snagged lures. In the past 5 years I have only lost 3 or 4 hardbaits total. Actually I break more baits during a cast by hitting the TM head than I lose to snags. Like someone said this will work from the bank but you need to get a high angle for the end to slide down to the bait. The other option is a telescopic lure retriever: http://www.basspro.com/Telescopic-Lure-Retriever/product/37104/43692 I went the cheap route and just bought a $6 light bulb changer from Ollies but it works just the same. This is good for getting lures out of trees and while I do not cast into too many trees it seems some of the co-anglers in my club like casting into them. Allen
  24. Weird year so far? Fish are larger than usual and not in their traditional holes. Allen
  25. Big Slackwater was a windfest but when it wasn't blowing 50mph I did manage to catch some fish. Big fish was 19" SM I caught on a prototype fluke that went about 4lbs. Allen
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