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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. I know a couple people that did, Scott Poole finished 4th is the only information I have soo far though. Allen
  2. 4.6lbs for 5 fish won I was third with 4.16 for 3 fish and tied for lunker at 2.55lbs. There were about 25-30 boats and like the post above it was really tough fishing. I caught about 20 short fish which was very frustrating when trying to fill out a 5 fish limit. Allen
  3. See everyone there! I am hoping to get another one of these. Allen
  4. Yes, I spoke with Sean and he said the 15 June tournament had to be moved to the 22 because of the MD DNR. Rocky Gap is tough to fish in the summer but so is Black Hills that everyone on here seems to like. I have fished 3 of these open tournaments over the past couple of years and done well. Allen
  5. Rocky Gap open tournaments start Saturday as well. Allen
  6. Blairs Valley is easy to fish! Throw a Junebug senko at the riprap and if you cannt catch fish take up golf. I bought a new tow vechicle so I should be on the water again this Saturday. Allen
  7. We ended up taking Mikes boat because my starter went out on my Yukon. Allen
  8. I have a club tournament there next Sunday (Big Slackwater) so if you see a silver Xpress wave. Last Saturday I went down to pre-fish some since I have only been there once or twice this year. I caught a ton of fish but only two keepers. One was about a 13" SM but the first fish was a 21" LM that I would say was 5lbs (hoping I can catch it again in the tournament). Tonight I found them but am still not on the larger fish that I want. You can run your boat all the way until the first bend upriver from the game club. At that point it starts to get shallow and scary for a prop boat and the fishing isn't very good until you get up by the bridges anyway. Allen
  9. http://lurepartsonline.com/Shop-By-Category/Silicone-Material/Baitfish-Skirt-Material.html I would use these for a base pattern. Allen
  10. By all the nice grass it looks like he caught it in someones yard? Allen
  11. I don't have the color number with me but fishingskirts.com does have that color because I bought some with my last order. Allen
  12. I have been fishing the Potomac for 30 years and have never heard of any pike in there? There are natural and tiger muskee in the Upper Potomac but no pike. Deep Creek has pike, pickerral, walleye, etc... just about every species of freshwater fish found in the state. Allen
  13. I wnt out Saturday and caught a couple in the 12-15" range but man was the wind bad. Allen
  14. I have a free seat open if you want to go today? Allen
  15. Doen't sound to bad. I may try hitting there today. Allen
  16. How were the trout fishermen? I need to hit that place along with Greenbrier because they are soo close. Allen
  17. Munkin


    I catch those all the time on the Lower Potomac and in Piney Run on flukes. Allen
  18. Usually 2-3 tabs depending on what effect I am going for in silicone. Rubber I rarely ever use because of all the problems smalljaw mentioned along with I think it is a PITA to work with. Allen
  19. Looks like I need to look for more lures at the stickups. Allen
  20. The two biggest fish I caught last Saturday (20.5" and 21.75") were both in the area that everyone refers to as the "chute". This year I have caught 5 bass in two trips at Black Hills over 5lbs. All of these fish were in areas that can be accessed by foot and all were within 12' of the bank. What I am saying is if you are trying to catch a nice fish now is the time to hit Black Hills. Allen
  21. All the spinnerbaits I saw Saturday were in trees? Now crappie lures and bobbers were everywhere. Allen
  22. You need to get these guys to tell you how to get to the stickups? I know how to get there by boat but not by foot. On a side note I found a high dollar topwater lure someone lost back there. If you lost one pm me and if you can identify it I will mail it back to you. Allen
  23. Everyone should be hitting Black Hills right now. Allen
  24. They made both at one time but the one-sided ones are a lot easier to find. I have a two piece smallie beaver mold but it took me 2 years to find it and it was not cheap. Allen
  25. In my opinion Four Locks is the worst place that I fish overall. If our club did not hold tournament there I doubt I would fish it at all. Give me a call and I will let you know everything about that place. Allen
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