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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. With those interest rates I would try a loan shark. Allen
  2. You need special shampoo and that little comb for......... Awe crab lures? well nevermind then. Allen
  3. The amount of fish I catch on the two sizes is about the same but the bigger fish come on the 4" bait. Allen
  4. Mine as well and I have caught fish on it from March to November. Allen
  5. http://www.overstockbait.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=B03F&Click=35627&gdftrk=gdfV25107_a_7c2877_a_7c10661_a_7cB03F&gclid=CjwKEAjwk_OhBRD06abu3qSoxlwSJACt7sZ7A7tNQQlcloG4YUVtcJVllOWuljJpnXYhKX-pIJvRCRoCrgfw_wcB Like this? Allen
  6. Brothers of the Maryland's Who's who! thread I am asking for a fishing moment of silence for NastyNate. Nate recently lost his favorite swim jig that I gave him in June. This jig survived a lot of hangings in trees, laydowns, etc. in at least 3 different bodies of water. Sadly its luck ran out last weekend and he will now have to spend 30 seconds building a replacement. Allen
  7. http://www.nakedbaitco.com/skirtexp.html This will work. Allen
  8. Oatmeal works best for carp around here as I use to fish for them. Take some regular oatmeal and mix a little sugar/koolaid/vanilla in. Get a handfull of oatmeal, put your hand in the water then just squeeze and release water until it gets hard. Make a little ball out of the hardened oatmeal and you are set. Treble hooks in size 6 with no weight is what I normally use. The oatmeal ball will weigh enough that you can cast it without any additional weight. My record carp is 32lbs and on average most of them are 12-20lbs around here. Allen
  9. I see you are using the "oil slick" color I recommended a while back. Allen
  10. Moving this to the top as everyone should read it.
  11. Somewhere there was an article that stated 75% of all freshwater lures sold would never see the water. Allen
  12. Depends on where I am fishing? Lower Potomac I catch some nice blue cats on bass lures. Deep Creek Lake you catch everything that swims in a 8 hour bass tournament. Upper Potomac it is a lot of big panfish. Allen
  13. Chatterbait is based on the Eaker Shaker which won ICAST best of show in 1998. Allen
  14. Sometimes I invite people when fishing Black Hills. I base it on; appearance, gear and a short conversation? If you are using a baitcast rod it is a good sign as only bass/musky fishermen use them around here. Allen
  15. Where you one of the two guys in the Xpress jetboat I ran into around McCoys? Allen
  16. Not a TD bait as they are shaped differently? I am sticking by my RTO guess unless someone really went out of their way to make a KO. Allen
  17. My guess is that it maybe one of the first RTO baits like they would give to their pro staff or it is a JDM bait. Some of the JDM LC baits I bought off ebay are not labeled. Allen
  18. That would be my guess as well, if not labeled can you post a pic from above the front? I know the TO shad is wider in the front and maybe someone just painted it to match the color? LC likes to label their baits and that little bit of glitter behind the eyes is suspect to me. Allen
  19. I know a place that has them in stock. Allen
  20. Munkin

    Making Lures

    I have made just about every bait except a swimbait and can tell you crankbaits from scratch are the hardest. Ballasting, lip angle and size, etc all have to work in harmony. My suggestion would be to try and copy a current bait that you like to get a feel or the process. Allen
  21. It lets me feel when they are looking at the bait so I have time to get ready for the hook set How any fish were ever caught before tungsten I just don't know? Allen
  22. Can you has a gas outboard on the boat? Allen
  23. Jointed believer musky lure that I thought was a kids toy. Allen
  24. I made some in SERE school out of wood but I would highly recommend buying them. Allen
  25. Best crank I own for that depth and don't worry about the size as I regularly catch bass under 12" on it. Allen
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