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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. 6" to 3' depending on the conditions but like others said it is trial and error. If I just need a starting length then 12 - 18" is what I use. Allen
  2. http://www.glcfishing.com/ Here is where most places get their skirts or skirt material from. The last time I checked they had 100's of colors so if they don't have it? Allen
  3. That quit making the flat living rubber material years ago. That stuff they call flat rubber that comes in tabs is the worst stuff I have ever used for jigs. Allen
  4. Mudhole will have blanks that are like $10 each but you have to buy like 3 of them at a time. Allen
  5. This is one of the best videos out there to actually learn something. The other ones I would recommend are the KVD spinnerbait ones as they are great. Most of the videos you just watch someone fishing for two hours. Allen
  6. Gamber fire hall one on I think the 28th of February? Allen
  7. Zip ties is a quick fix, tieing down with thread or wire is harder but they last. That green floro wire works but it will rust so try finding some copper wire. Allen
  8. They have the Yamamoto ones for like $6 http://www.overstockbait.com/gary-yamamoto-senko-7/ Allen
  9. After you heat up the jig twist the pin around before pulling it out. I find this is the best way to get the paint around the head without it sticking to the pin. Allen
  10. Blue painters tape but whatever you are doing epoxy pooling in that area is not a good thing. Allen
  11. I sold my PT 175 and bought a X-18 Xpress just to have more storage space. Tracker was a great boat but I HATE to re-tie so I needed something that had more than 1 rod locker. Some days I miss the Tracker because in drafted shallower than the Xpress. Allen
  12. Depends on the size of forage and other conditions at that moment. The 3.5" Dippers and swim flukes are nice when I need smaller profile. Bigger dippers and flukes for large profile or off colored water. Now in general I think one is too small and the other too big so I have started using other baits. Damiki anchovy shad and this PLine minnow both of which are 4" were last years go-to. Allen
  13. Straight black bear hair on a 1/8 to 1/4oz head. Allen
  14. Some of you guys have way too much stuff! As you can see I have a minimum number of extra hardbaits just to get by. Allen
  15. Cabin Creek Bassmasters will be having their annual Flea Market at the Washington County Ag Center on January 17 & 18. Saturday and Sunday January 17th and 18th 9 AM till 1 PM (doors open at 8:00 on Saturday) There will be a food stand run by Mrs. Gibbles Restaurant Washington County MD Agriculture Education Center 7313 Sharpsburg Pike Boonsboro, MD 21713 Just reminding everyone about the show this upcoming weekend. Allen
  16. That is a Bass Pro rattler spinnerbait made like 25 years ago. Allen
  17. If you are fishing really clear water I would say yes? Drop shot is just another way to present a bait so don't get to hung up on it. Sometimes the fish are in a neutral or negative mood and the DS works well for this but do not worry. Basic premise of drop shotting is the bait is suspended above the weight? Try out the DS and see if it works for you? You really do not need any special tackle just use what you currently have. Allen
  18. Please post as I would be interested as well. Allen
  19. Swim jig is just a bladeless spinnerbait. Allen
  20. Read the Rich Z. article until you have it memorized. Allen
  21. Paint first then attach hardware. Allen
  22. I have to agree, try fishingskirts.com as they have them. Allen
  23. Take out every lure you have not caught at least 10 fish on. You will be left with whatever you have confidence in that works for you. Allen
  24. You did buy a Pointer Sp and not S right? Some LC pointers are sinking (thought I had a bad one myself). Allen
  25. After stopping by Green Tops last summer I cannot think what else you would need? Allen
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