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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Both are walking baits but the Gunfish has a popR style mouth. Allen
  2. LC Gunfish or Sammy Allen
  3. It depends on where you are fishing but here in Merryland I have always has better luck with silver blades over gold. Susquehanna it was the opposite but I carry both and let the fish decide. As far as colors for clear water mouse or some version of it is always rated at the top. Allen
  4. Yes he fishes these on the UP and has done quite well in tournaments at Riverbottom and Four Locks. Adding the latest colors as the jigheads recently arrived. Allen
  5. Smithwick Rogue Husky Jerk Allen
  6. Simplicity, I like the Jobee style jigheads that way I don't have to worry with a popper stop, weight, hook as it is all in one. A lot quicker to tie and overall easier to use. Allen
  7. Generally I only use GP or black trailers on everything except swim jigs. Since I am usually deciding between a GP, brown, and black jig I created one with all three colors. This I call "Undecided" and with a GP trailer I have caught fish in every type of water clarity. Now my jig decision is boiled down to 3/8 or 1/2oz weight. Allen
  8. Welcome to BR. Allen
  9. 22 gauge works the best for me. It is thin enough to bend where needed but doesn't break or cut the skirt strands easily. Allen
  10. Looks like I need to try these. Allen
  11. The SK 5 series in Gizzard shad is the best crankbait I own that dives past 10'. Allen
  12. I will have to admit that I quit using pork chunks years ago since I could not remove them. The exception was for hair jigs in cold water but I have to say I have used them all up. Allen
  13. My best finesse crankbait is a LC BDS 1.2 in Ghost Minnow. Allen
  14. Eagle Claw has really stepped up their game in the past few years. That said I got a deal last year on Gama hooks on FaceBook in the size I use most so I bought 2k so I am set for awhile. Allen
  15. Chart. Black back should work everywhere. Besides that look into the bluegill colored baits and see if they match your local forage. Allen
  16. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Skirt-Making-Tools/Pencil-Skirt-Tool.html Use this tool to start as it just works. Allen
  17. Finding off shore fish is a weakness for me. Allen
  18. Megan Fox I would hit that like a screen door in a tornado. Allen
  19. Do you have a link as I love watching the old TNN Bassmaster shows. Allen
  20. Boss 3/16oz with fine cut skirt material. These I am making for a friend that fishes them on a spinning rod with 8lb line. The pic doesn't show how small they are compared to other jigs. Allen
  21. Here are a few finesse jigs I made recently. Allen
  22. If I broke off 6" of line with every lure of all the rods I have I would run out of line before lures. Allen
  23. I never understood this type of question, I mean do you plan on being shot down behind enemy lines with only one lure? Personally I bought a bigger boat so I could carry as many lures as I want. Allen
  24. Anything that I expect to last more than one trip I wire tie down unless it is a turbo flare skirt. Allen
  25. Ned-1/16 Slider-1/8 Shaky-1/8 -1/4 Grub-1/8 Finesse jig 5/16 Allen
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