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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. I forget which one it is but one of the places cadman mentioned has a chart. Find out which site and just print it out to compare. From what I remember the screaming eagle had 3.5 and 4 blades. Regular 1/2oz bait had either 3.5/4.5 or 4/4.5. Allen
  2. Caught a nice one of those on a deep diving crankbait in the Potomac river. Allen
  3. You sure that is a Balsa bait? It looks like a early 70's floating Smithwick Rogue. Does it have ROGUE in block letters on the belly by the front hook? Allen If you plan on ordering a lot of them just order directly from Jim at Cast Industries as they make them for LurePartsOnline. Allen
  4. For the Upper Potomac, Susquehanna, and Juniata this is probably the most popular lure used. Allen
  5. After an initial investment yes but like A-Jay said you make exactly what you want. Problem with making them is you just started a new hobby which will cost you. My current issue is I bought some new aluminum swimbait molds and my wife will not let me pour in the basement anymore. She says it stinks up the house and my garage does not have power. Allen
  6. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Classic-Series/ Lurepartsonline has a good selection of pre-made heads. Allen
  7. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Classic-Series/Classic-Brush-Puppy-Jigs.html I pour one similar to this on a Gamakatsu hook and it is my best overall jighead. Allen
  8. JannsNetcraft, Fishingskirts.com, Barlows Tackle, and LurePartsOnline are the major places. Allen
  9. I use 2 or 3 different skirts that resemble different perch/panfish. Allen
  10. When I started bass fishing ther was no better lure than the albino slug-go. Allen
  11. Buying the material in bulk is how you save money. Allen
  12. Just let them air out to get rid of the smell. Sometimes I get skirts that smell like gasoline. Charles at fishingskirts.com said it is a chemical they use in manufacturing the skirts. The y set them out to dry but sometimes not enough. Allen
  13. 6-3 Shimano Crucial casting with 10lb mono. Allen
  14. I make my own but if I had to buy some it would be Stanley or War Eagle. Two years ago I scored some older 3/4oz Vibrashafts NIP from a flea market. These are made better than what is currently out there IMO. I deep roll them post spawn and catch some nice bass. Allen
  15. Look at the BPS and Cabelas brand rods. I have aGander Mountain 6-6ml spinning rod that is almost as good as my St. Croix Avids. Best thing as I got it on clearance for$20 and it is better than any spinning rod under $175 I find on the shelf. Allen
  16. Grande Bass makes a large creature bait. Allen
  17. I was only aware of one? They are some sort of dense foam. Allen
  18. Those TD minnows are worth every penny. Allen
  19. I wear Crocs as they are comfortable and dry in 30 seconds. Allen
  20. The one thing I will not let a co-angler bring into my boat! Nothing like having a 6" chartreuse stain in your boat carpet. Allen
  21. I will try that as I have already broken more hooks than I would care to. Phenix makes a casting jig which is basically a chatterbait without the blade. Trying to punch these I have broken 5 baits so far in a attempt to put blades on them. Allen
  22. Munkin

    Lure swap

    I need to find my package as it was put "In a safe place" by my wife that I cannot find right now. Hopefully someone else can post some pics. Allen
  23. The 3 I use most are; old Rebel Zell Rowland, LC Gsplash, and aTeam Daiwa . The latter two are about $15 but in my 30 years of topwater fishing I have lost only 5 baits. Muskie took 3 and the others were from a missing tip ring. Allen
  24. The head on the top is from Phenix and the bottom one I made. I have some of the black nickel hooks but they break every time I try to punch them open. Phenix uses at least 3 different hooks that I know of? The two hooks pictured are what is on most of the Phenix baits I own. The wire keeper I added so there was something to hold the trailer on. Allen
  25. If I can find any in my stash you can have them. Allen
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