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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Munkin

    More CB's

    https://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Sparkie-Jig-Molds-P241.aspx I pour them. Allen
  2. Munkin

    More CB's

    Two more I put together, top is a 1/2 oz bluegill color and the bottom is a 3/16 oz with a smaller blade. Allen
  3. Munkin

    Lure swap

    Have to see who all is interested. Allen
  4. https://www.jannsnetcraft.com/crankbait-bills-lure-lips/340112.aspx Try here. Allen
  5. Watch the video I posted, normally I don't give out the best fishing secrets like this but it is Christmas. Allen
  6. Jackal zero footer. Allen
  7. There is a video from a well respected fisherman on YouTube about a secret technique. Five jigs on a Alabama rig as it represents a school of crayfish. Allen
  8. Has anyone tried a casting weight t-rigged yet. Allen
  9. Munkin

    Lure swap

    Should be an annual event that way others can participate. Allen
  10. Strike King Allen
  11. The top and bottom ones look interesting. Below is the Plano boxes I carry in my boat. Allen
  12. Do you have about two weeks to spare? I have a bunch more stuff in my garage, dining room, as well as two 66quart tubs currently stashed in my daughters club house that my wife hasn't noticed yet. On a side note is I die for some reason you guys should rush to my house asap. My wife says she is selling all the lures $1 each in a fire sale. Allen
  13. Neither but my wife says the basement is scary so she rarely goes down there. Allen
  14. All the dress right dress I learned in the Army has been lost when it comes to fishing tackle. Allen
  15. Sad part is I have 14 66quart containers full of baits as well. Allen
  16. Here is a new pic which shows the size difference. Top bait is an Owner JR minnow, middle bait I poured, and the bottom is a SK blade minnow. Allen
  17. This is why when someone asks if I have bait XYZ and I say I need to find it takes 3 months. On the good side my OCD has been cured! I would take pictures of the rest of the stuff but it is too dangerous to walk around my basement right now. Allen
  18. Bored so I figured it was a good time to post this. For anyone who has asked for a bait and I stated I have one but need to find it this is why. My fishing tackle would qualify me for a hoarders episode. Allen
  19. I am guessing he meant parallel but they may have been wired in series. Not sure how the TM circuitry would last for 12 years at double the operating voltage though. Allen
  20. Watt's law are you talking about here. Allen
  21. Trailer I am going to start pouring for chatterbaits. This is a smaller version of the SK blade bait and it is about 25% smaller than the original which makes it perfect for me. Allen
  22. Munkin

    Lure swap

    I plan on trying the hair jigs out over the new year holiday myself. Allen
  23. https://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Sparkie-Jig-Molds-P241.aspx In case you were wondering this is the mold I am using. Allen The top one is what I was talking about. Allen
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