Since we seem to get a lot of the what's your favorite color, if you were shot down behind enemy lines, highlander "There can only be one!" type of questions I thought I would lay out what I use. Now keep in mind that I am fishing in Merryland in shallow rivers, reservoirs, and the tidal Potomac for both LM and SM for reference. Below are my top 5 colors per bait category overall.
Creature baits:
1. Green Pumkin
2. Solid Black
3. California 420
4. Watermelon Magic
5. Black/blue swirl (I think RI calls it Hematoma or something like that?)
Curl Tail Worms:
1. Green Pumkin
2. Solid Black
3. Tequila Sunrise
4. Black Shad
5. Motor Oil
1. Green Pumkin
2. Natural Shad
3. Watermelon
4. Whitish
5. Junebug
1. Albino
2. Pearl White
3. Custom poured smokish
4. Solid Black
5. Watermelon
Finesse worms:
1. Green Pumkin
2. Watermelon
3. Natural Shad
4. Solid Black
5. Mispours that look like Zooms Castic Choice
DS worms
1. Smoke
2. Watermelon
3. Japanese GP
4. Natural Shad
5. Solid Black
These are what I use 90% of the time and you should be able to see a pattern.