Ike actually has one as he showed it on a Bassmaster episode once. All I can remember was it was a tiny box that had some white Rooster Tail spinners in it.
I have lures that I default to when nothing else is working but they tend to catch small fish.
Soft plastics are kept in their original bags and all similar baits go into a 1 gallon freezer bag e.g. finesse works, creature baits, flukes, etc. Only deviation is for paddle tail baits as those clam shells take up a lot of room so they are in a 2 gallon bag.
Some really great advice here!
The biggest fish I have caught on a jig I never felt them bite. A 12" bass will hit the jigs and make a run for it but a 6lber will just suck it in and not move. I watch my line and count down as well when jig fishing. My biggest problem is when they grab the lure and swim toward the boat.
In 1993 I caught the biggest Tiger Muskie that year in the Potomac river according to the DNR at 17-1. At the time I was only 6ozs away from the state record and this was the first one I caught.
Very good advice here! I have been making my own spinnerbaits for years and could write at least 2 books about them. Chart./white with a Colorado and willow is the most popular spinnerbait sold period. With that being said which bait do you think the fish have seen? I like to change things up personally and have caught a lot of fish by thinking outside the box.
I would like to add if you plan on making "burning baits" downsize the wire frame and blades. For example if you look at the spinnerbait frame chart it will recommend a certain size frame for say a 3/8oz bait. It will also recommend a #4 and 4.5 willow as the standard setup. Pour your baits on a 1/4oz frame and use 3.5 and 4 willows (same setup War Eagle uses on their screaming eagle baits. My spinnerbaits I make the same way but for a different reason as I need a small profile bait that doesn't roll in the river current.
You need to try the new Gamakatsu swim jig hook over the 32886 Mustad. I really like Mustad hooks but this is such a sharper hook that I will not be buying anymore 32886 hooks.
While I love to tinker with baits this is the best suggestion. If you then need the bait to suspend they make those as well or add suspend dots to the floater.
Numbers bait for me but I sometimes catch a 3-4lb fish.
When you say highly pressured lake in Merryland do you mean Black Hills Lake Seneca? If so that is the capitol of DS dink fishing for bass in the summer. My record is 92 with only 4 being over 12" but it does catch them.
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