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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. I fish two lakes that are similar and you would think there would be bass on every tree. Both places suck fishing around the trees! Slow rolled spinnerbait has done the best over the years but honestly I have given up on them. Personally I would look for some different cover that would hold them as that is what has been working for me. Allen
  2. No-one has that place locked down! Fishing depends on the grass, tides, whether it is a leap year etc. so good luck as you will need it. Senko's, white flukes, and white spinnerbaits with double willow blades work best for my except for spring where a 1/2oz rattle trap really works. Allen
  3. I was taught to respect my elders but I can say that 95% of my problems with other fisherman has been from senior citizen trout fisherman. Most of the time I just give in because fighting with them isn't worth it. For this reason I try to avoid fishing most places that have been stocked with trout in the spring. I have helped launce boats, carried fishing gear, and even given lures that are working to them but some are just d***s. Allen
  4. I have an original Phenix chatterbait in that color setting in my office. Allen
  5. Not sure about that combo but the Penrod special is a #3 chart. Colorado over a #5-6 Gold Indiana blade, black head with chart/white w/purple pearl skirt. Everyone asks me to make them some sort of version of this at our local shows. Personally a whitish/shad colored bait with 4.5 and 5 size silver willows on a compact 1/2oz bait works best for me. Allen
  6. Please post a picture. Allen
  7. Right now I have been storing them in gallon freezer bags with the color and where I bought them in the label area. About 1/2 the skirt tabs I have received in the past couple of months have been stuck together. I take the tab, separate the stands then put it in a freezer bag so they are ready when I need them. Allen
  8. Waiting on some Vibranium hooks from Wakanda myself. Allen
  9. The mentor thread got me thinking about what I have seen that has helped with my bass fishing. Without a doubt the KVD spinnerbait videos are the best period. What he goes over in them took me about 8 years time on the water to figure out so I cannot recommend them enough. The only other one that is worth a d**n is the Ike finesse fishing one? I know everyone either loves or hates him but in this video he is normal with no screaming or break dancing amd has a ton of good tips with no sponsor pimping. Allen
  10. Mostly self taught but I had been fishing with several family members when I was young. At 12 several of the local kids decided to go fishing by ourselves at the local creek. I dove in 100% because I liked it so much and ended up spending all my time and money towards fishing. That wads 25 years ago and occasionally I go back and fish that creek because that is where my passion started. Used to watch the fishing hole and Bassmasters to get tips in the late 80's which was my only source of information at the time. Allen
  11. Owner makes some that work well. Allen
  12. Lead melts at like 650 degrees, steel is like 2900 degrees so the lead will never get hot enough to change the temper of the hooks. If you are holding them under a torch for an extended time you can change the temper otherwise you should be good. Allen
  13. They work for me but LC has done better over the years. The two that are moving up the board for me are the Jackal Squad minnow and Imakatsu Ripriser. I don't here much about theses on the boards but these two are close to making the starting lineup. Allen
  14. All day everyday LC out produces for me over MB and I own 100's of jerkbaits. Allen
  15. Depends on what size profile you want? Personally I think that is fine and would trim it up after a few fish tear up the trailer some so it holds. As long as the trailer action isn't hindered by the jig skirt they are fine IMO. Allen
  16. Got a call right after a long cast and ran over the line with the TM once. Allen
  17. First boat I ever owned was a Bass Tracker. On its maiden voyage I launched it into the lake, about 10 minutes later I ask my friend Shawn is it supposed to set that low in the water? His reply was you did put the plug in right? My response was what is a plug? It only took about 10 minutes for the water to drain once we put it back on the trailer. Allen
  18. The JJ's magic thread got me thinking about some of the dumb things I have done while fishing. I will post my embarrassments and hopefully others will as well in order for us to all laugh together as a community. 1. Put a bunch of Kick-n-bass on my jig along with my fingers then proceeded to put so Redman in my mouth 20 seconds later, I don't recommend this unless you are bulimic. 2. Was trying to determine which of two fish to cull and a wave hit my boat. Almost fell overboard but I managed to drop both fish overboard with the cull tags still attached. 3. Got mad at a bunch of jet skis so I decided to leave and fish somewhere else. Gunned it and the boat would not get up on plane and all this water kept flying back on me where I could not see. Tried 3 times to get on plane and every time the same thing happened. Learned that day that a boat has trouble getting on plane if the TM is still in the water. These are the top 3 I can think of. Allen
  19. So I chew Redman when fishing some times and I had an accident once. Here is my public service announcement for anyone that chews or does snuff " Put the tobacco in your mouth BEFORE applying Kick-n-Bass to your jig" I cannot emphasize the order of events enough! It may taste good to the fish but trust me Kick-n-bass craw mixed with Redman is not a pleasant taste at 6am and I will just leave it at that. Allen
  20. The only jigs I fish without a trailer are hair jigs in cold water (34-39 degrees). Allen
  21. So my though behind this is that members on here trade baits that they make that work in their local waters. It allows the participants to try baits from different geographical areas and see the workmanship of the baits. You may receive a bait that you never considered using that becomes the next go-to. I like it because some of the things that show up I have never considered? This expands your horizons and will make you a better bait maker in my opinion. Allen
  22. Seems to depend on the particular paint as well. Black, brown, and GP I cannot screw up but pearl white is a PITA to deal with. Allen
  23. Check with Seibert to see if he sells the keel weighted hooks. VMC just came out with a hook that will work for what you want. If Seibert or one of the other sponsors can't make them send me a PM and I could make you some for whatever the parts cost. Allen
  24. Answer me this; why is a pizza round placed in a square box but cut into triangles? Allen
  25. Any lead bait that is manufactured the weight is based on the lead alone. Most spinnerbaits weigh close to double what is on the package. The man that owns Cast Industries explained it when I had them make me a custom mold. Allen
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