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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. Panfish seem to rely on smell to find food, not as much as say a catfish but way more than bass. This is just my observation with no statistical data to prove it. Where I like to use scents is in really cold water not because of it attracting them but helping me detect bites. What I mean by this is when we are fishing hair jigs in the winter water temp is 33-39 degrees usually. Numb hands and gloves make detecting bites hard so in my experience the scent makes a bass hold on to that jig just a second or two more increasing my chances. Let me just put this out there as a public service announcement. If you chew Redman when fishing put it in your mouth BEFORE you adjust that jig trailer doused with Kick-N-Bass. I cannot emphasize enough the sequence of events! Allen
  2. Once it freaking stops raining every other day I will pour you some with the small blades. The only thing is I have not tried to find any snap swivels small enough. the nearest gas station to my current location Allen
  3. Now waiting on $378 worth of custom molds from the Ukraine. Allen
  4. Generally I have at least 5 for everyone that I lose. Allen
  5. The guy that taught me to fish hair jigs in cold water would smoke an entire cigarette before moving his bait. I thought it was crazy but the 4lb SM he was catching told me he was onto something. Allen
  6. If we go buy number of fish caught compared to price my best bait is a LC Pointer 65sp in Baitfish silver. While these baits cost like $16 I have one that has 287 fish to its name. Paint is gone, eyes have been replaced several times, hook like 12x and I finally had to retire it once the teeth marks made it through the plastic and it took on water. I will see if I can find it as it looks like someone took a wire wheel to the bait. Now I do have about a dozen spares and the closest only has 73 fish to its name. Number 2 was at 60 when a pike took it but I feel I am getting my moneys worth out of these baits. Allen
  7. I have a friend that re-loads and I just get rounds from him. If you are looking for a specific mold just post here and if I have it I will send it to you. Besides Do=it molds I have several Shawn Collins molds that are like $140 each I could send. Allen
  8. I am in but my fishing is on hold right now because of a broken rib. Piney Run and Black Hills Lake Seneca are the places you want to try out. Allen
  9. Generally I find more baits than I lose every year based on cost. Found a Spro BBZ swimbait once that sells for like $30 along with several nice topwaters one day. Allen
  10. In my 35 plus years of bass fishing I do not think that scents attract them but they may help. Bass use different methods of finding their prey and scent is low in the ranking. That said I think that while other triggers make a bass strike a lure scent will make them hold it for a second or two longer than without. I only use scents in the cold water and on really tough days as it attracts other fish like catfish to the lure. Allen
  11. I was going to suggest Amazon as my wife picked me up like 800 of the rings for $12 shipped. There are so many I just give them away. Allen
  12. New spinnerbait as part of my R&D. Allen
  13. 12-15lb Big Game. Allen
  14. https://www.barlowstackle.com/Round-Nose-Nesting-Pliers--P1026.aspx These are what I use to make the loops. Allen
  15. Is there a reason you are hand bending them versus just buying the pre-bent ones? Allen
  16. I use to be the guy carrying all 40 colors of those lizards with me. One day after picking up my BPS tackle bag the strap ripped off because of how heavy the bag was. This way my awakening moment that I didn't need all those colors to catch fish. Now to answer your question my top 5 are; solid black, solid white, green pumkin, tequila sunrise, and a discontinued Mad Man color called volcano. For some reason solid black seems to work in all water clarities. Hopefully someone local to you will chime in as there is always that one off the wall color that works for a specific area. Allen
  17. 10k casts my a** in 4 of the last 6 tournaments I have fished on the Upper Potomac either I or my co-angler has caught one. I do like when you hook one in shallow water they jump like a tarpon though. Allen
  18. I swear the way you catch big pike or muskie is to throw an expensive lure on regular line. Fished a regular LC Sammy on day that I have 10 of and could afford to lose and nothing. Switched over to my rare JDM no-knock alumilux Sammy and a 20lb muskie slams it! Luckily I didn't lose the lure but the hooks are mangled to hell and the paint has seen better days. Allen
  19. My example of this is the weighted worm hooks with the screw lock. I can pour enough in an hour to last 10 years. Allen
  20. Well a mold is like $40 and you have to pay shipping for it. Figured if someone just wanted to try a mold before buying this would work. Allen
  21. If you want to borrow something just let me know and I will see what I have. Allen
  22. So to go along with the lure swap I propose an organized mold swap. My vision is members in good standing can post what molds they would like to use and what the have in their inventory. Everything should be out in the open that way no-one tries to scam anyone. For example I will post a list of molds I have and a list of molds I could use. The recipient pays the shipping charges both ways and it is agreed upon that the can keep the mold for a defined period of time which I would put at 90 days but it could vary. This way members who would like some baits but cannot justify the cost of a mold can pour what they need without having to buy a mold. Personally I have like 30 molds and only 2 I would not send as I use them all the time. So what does everyone think about this? Additionally if someone is a senior member but does not have any molds to trade they should not be left out. Allen
  23. There are more to take its place. Allen
  24. That is like 2lb mono equivalent which is why you are having problems. Maybe try a floro leader? Allen
  25. I broke a rib on my left side so I am unsure when I can make it out. Allen
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