Lucky Craft Bevy pop 50 in whatever color you think will work. It is 2" and weights like 1/8oz? I throw it on a 6' light action spinning rod with 4 to 6lb momo and it catches everything.
There is a guy that does reel repair in Walkersville by I do not have his information handy. Ask on the local Facebook pages as he was advertising on there.
The whole purpose of this thread is that you can make things that work locally that cannot be bought in a store. I have made thousands of spinnerbaits and jigs over the past 20+years based on this theory.
You should try a double Indiana blade on some of your baits. No one makes that combination that I am aware of and it just kills fish around here. I use a #3 silver and a #5 gold Indiana blade on a white head with a pre-made sexy shad skirt and it has been my top producer on the river so far this year.
Green pumkin, black, and brown cover 95% of the jigs I make for bottom contact. Sometimes someone wants something different but it is so rare I don't stock any other colors of powder paint.
For what? Spacing I just like to make sure the front blade works in harmony with the rear one. There is no rule of thumb but I like to put a bead in from of the front clevis. This cuts down on grass/trash etc. fowling the front blade from spinning. It is a personal thing but it has worked for me for years. I would also like to add instead of a lot of beads I favor leader sleeves.
The handle being uncomfortable is the only reason I did not buy that exact rod. I have the regular Avis 68MXF and it is my favorite spinning rod period.
A quick observation, the first two spinnerbaits I would consider the swivel on backwards. It really isn't on backwards but the bulk of the rotational mass of the swivel is against the blade. It maybe splitting hairs but the swivel will spin more freely if reversed.
Besides the SK Midnight special I do not buy any commercial baits unless someone wants me to make one. I am at a point where I can talk to someone on the phone a create a spinnerbait that will work for them 95% of the time. Too many people get caught up in the hype of ICAST or what some pro said. In my area the same 4 baits have produced for at least a decade and still continue to work.
Thanks for the compliment! I have tried a lot of different wire sizes and this just works best for me overall. I know a lot of guys use that green garden wire which will work but it rusts very quickly IMO and will break. If I am going to take the time to wire tie something I want it to last.
We can still do this but like I said someone needs to volunteer to be in charge of the swap. At this point I would suggest a date of next year for everyone to have their baits in. I can make baits now but do to a medical family situation August and September are no good for me.
Don't you know it! It is like I am going to save money by making my own the next thing you know you are ordering $300 worth of parts. I wouldn't have it any other way though as I know what I want and what works.
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