I am also newer to the world of bass fishing. But I've learned a ton in the past 2 summers by watching a crapload of internet videos. Also been reading some great books & have learned alot. They are listed below. I HIGHLY recommend the In Fisherman series. Books #2 & 3 are loaded with tons of info. Book #1 isn't necc but not bad either.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't learn from reading & watching videos, but through experience. If you are not doing the proper techniques, using the right lures in the right areas/times, etc, you will lever know right from wrong.
Learning how to feel the bite is one area you must learn from experience & is a huge key. But make sure you have a nice rod with great sensitivity. That helps a ton!
Cadence is another key. Mix it up. Don't keep throwing a lure in the same spot & retrieving it at the same speed or same cadence. If it didn't work the first cast, don't think that a fish is suddenly going to want it the 2nd time.
Confidence is another thing. If you're not having luck there, hit up some farm ponds, get some numbers, then head back there with more confidence. I still have days where I go home with no catches, but I also try learn from them.
And last, I highly recc you grab a book or 2 from Amazon. (about $10-14 w/ shipping)
In-Fisherman Critical Concepts series.
Book #3 Presentations is by far the best, followed by #2 Bass Location
In Presentations, you will learn how to properly use about 20 different baits/lures. I learned so much from every page that it was unreal. A couple of my friends loved it too. I've never seen a book nearly as good as it is.
Another great find below. Short book but loaded with facts on putting numbers in your boat.
High Percentage Fishing: A Statistical Approach To Improving Catch Rates