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    <p>Diamond Bar, Ca</p>

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  1. Hello Riverbasser, Thanks for the feedback. I normally would consider this however, recently I approached someone on a beach surfcasting somewhat near me and as soon as I said hello, he replied with "Why are you over here when you know fisherman don't like to be bothered?, I'm here to relax, please leave me alone" I was totally offended, but oh well. Either way, I might possibly try to do this again. It is possibly he was simply a SH. I work about 3 minutes from Tri City park in Brea, I might start hitting this place after work to get a better understanding. Thanks again!! Regards
  2. Thanks A-Jay, I have already started looking at them, thanks for the heads up! Regards
  3. Hello M4gnum, I live here on the west coast. I do surfcast also, not much I could tell you other than look into possibly a lighter reel and bucktails. If its stripers your after, you should be casting and reeling in, not a bait n wait type thing. Take a look at this video at YouTube and start there. you can also search for similar, hope it helps Also, a nice light reel for what your trying to do. Regards updated
  4. Hello Everyone, I started fishing last season and have been surfcasting pretty much exclusively. I am now trying my hand at lakes for anything eatable, i.e Bass, trout, cat. Since I've started fishing my luck has been horrible to say the least. I just picked up some lures, everything else I've tried have never produced, which were chicken livers, chicken, several blood baits, dough baits, hotdogs, etc. The lures I picked up are a rapala BXs-12 carp a brook trout in color, a rapala countdown also brook trout colored and a sierra brook trout colored spoon. The people I know that have been catching Bass at santa fe Dam have been using these. Are there any other lure recommendations you could point out? Sorry, I'm a complete bass newb. Thanks in advance
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