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Everything posted by AndrewJ

  1. I would not call it a superstition, but the running joke on my boat is that in order for us to have an amazing day, I have to fall off the boat and into the water. The day I landed my PB, i had been using drop shot in the morning and was running low on baits. One of my baits came off at the boat (as I was landing a fish) and floated on the surface. I kneeled down to get the bait and into the water I went, rod and all. My buddy helped me back into the boat, we laughed about it, and then went on to catch 70-80 bass, including 10 2-3 lbs and my PB.
  2. Yea just makes me need to get back out there and out fish her ;). I usually put up better numbers hut she seems to catch the better fish... Cant be upset, she not only allowed me to buy my bass boat but wanted the boat as well. And thanks on the compliment of the bass, we have some nice spots out here.
  3. I just wanted to state that I did not post this to debate gun laws or to debate the actions that occured. I posted this so that our members from Florida knew that there were people praying for them... For what its worth.
  4. Yea, I cannot imagine being in rough water like that in a kayak. I'm still not a big fan of fishing in the wind. Well at least not in that high of winds, made casting and staying in contact with my bait a lot harder. I'm not exactly sure why the bass had lock jaw on Saturday, but i know it has made me want to go out again just to do better.
  5. Drop Shot w/ either curl tail robo worm or Biospawn plasma tail 1/4 oz ball head jig with a grub (color depends on what the fish are eating) Ned Rig Crankbait (size once again depends on the fish)
  6. AndrewJ


  7. I did not know where else to post this on here. I know we have a lot of fishermen and women from Florida and I assume the Orlando Area. In the wake of the horrible act of terrorism, I just want to say that my heart goes out to all of you from the area. I pray no one was effected or had any family or friends effected by this tragedy.
  8. Congrats on your first of many bass I am sure. I have to admit I never though about saving my old torn plastics and melting them down to make new ones. Ill have to look into how you go about doing that, so thank you for the idea.
  9. Saturday was definitely a tough day out on the water. Went with a buddy of mine and my wife in his 18' Tracker. Winds were howling at about 20 mph which made for some tough water out on Shasta lake. My friend and I caught a grand total of 3 bass together ( our last time out we landed 70+) on the day while my wife decided to catch 5 bass and also land her PB which was in the range of 3 lbs. I guess the all in all the trip turned out OK since my wife found some success.
  10. Thanks for the info. How do i go about updating the map card?
  11. Thanks everyone for the welcoming
  12. Im going to be fishing Oroville lake for the first time in a couple of days. I need to know how much it costs to launch my boat there. I saw online it said $5 launching fee, but I also saw something about an $8 entry fee. I just need to know how much to bring with me. I was also wondering if anyone had any info on the best way to fish it during this time of year. Thanks in advanced.
  13. The biggest thing for whiskeytown is to use light line. 6 to 8 lbs test would be wise. It is a very clear lake and stays fairly cool throughout the year. I have been in 25 feet of water and could see the bottom clearly. I agree with Dtack when choosing baits. The one other thing I will add is that you can flip and pitch along the whiskey creek arm. There are a lot of lay-down logs and the Largemouth bass will hide up in them. There are giant bass on this lake. I know recently a 10+ lbs spot was caught near the oak bottom marina. Good luck.
  14. I purchased a Lowrance Hook 7. It comes with a chart plotter/navionics function. My issue is that when using the map on the unit, it will not show me contour lines for the lake. Does anyone know how to fix this or if I need to buy an extra Navionics card, and if this is the case, which one should I get? Thanks for any help.
  15. I like the Redding area. As mention you are 30 mins from Shasta (where it is easy to have 50-75 fish days), 15 mins from Whiskeytown (where there is huge spotted bass, a 10+ lbs spot was caught this month) and then you are within 2 hours of both Trinity, Oroville, and the Afterbay.
  16. Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I have been reading the forums and visiting BR for the past 6 months and thought I would join. I live in Northern California and predominately bass fish Shasta Lake. I have been bass fishing for the past year. Anyways, Happy that I joined.
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