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Everything posted by AndrewJ

  1. Finally, Finally got the boat back after breaking the axle in the beginning of May. Took the boat to our favorite lake, Shasta. Were not on the water too long since someone (me) forgot the key to the boat at home. We got about 3 hours on the lake. A lot of dinks starting to get active but we did find some quality fish throughout the day. Once again Jamie out caught me 12 - 7, but i did have the better size, so thats something. Biggest was 16 1/2 inch spot that fought really well. One of Jamie's better fish, right about 15 inches
  2. Im sure he will catch quite a lot, just not sure about the size. Im sure there will be a few 6 pounders caught, but they seem fairly rare.
  3. Thats same for me, i usually only catch 1 or 2 smallmouth and the rest spotted bass. Most were sitting right around 11.5 to 12 inch mark, so I think they spawned later last year, but it definitely seemed they had a great spawn. Hoping this years spawn will be even better.
  4. Ive never been to trinity lake, it has been way to low since I got into bass fishing. Even if the lake is tough i want to make a trip this year, I heard it is gorgeous when it is full.
  5. Thanks! All the water ways up here are looking amazing. For the first time I think ill be able to hit up trinity this year.
  6. Finally the lake is fishing like it should be. Didn't start until 1200, off the water by 1900. Started the day trying drop shot and 5 in grubs with minimal success. I could not get a strike on the drop shot but was able to land 2 using the grub. Meanwhile my wife landed 9 bass using grubs. Finally I tied on a ned rig, using a TRD in coppertreuse and could not stop catching them. My wife soon switch to the same rig and we caught 25 bass over the next 3 hours. All in all, we landed 36 bass, biggest right around 2 lbs. We even landed around 13-15 small mouth which is the most we have caught on this lake. Sorry, do not know how to rotate the images on the website.
  7. Im a Juvenile Detention Officer with the local Probation Department. Like every job it has it ups and downs, and can be enjoyable for the most part. The benefits are good and the it pays me well enough to own a home and a boat so that a plus.
  8. So i finally got a break from the weather (wettest on record in california) and used the measuring system you told me about on my gas tank. Turns out iabass was correct, it is an 18 gallon tank. I didnt try it on my live wells yet, but thank you again for the information.
  9. I really liked Within City Limits but have not seen it on in a long time and do not know if it is still running
  10. AndrewJ

    Urban Carry

    That is a good point. I like the idea of it being completely concealed, and the added comfort of the way the gun sits on your body.
  11. AndrewJ

    Urban Carry

    My wife and I are getting close to getting our CCW. Does anyone who has theirs tried the urban carry holsters? I really like the concept and the price point (55-105) seems to be a really good deal.
  12. It has been quite a turnaround in the North State this year. To be honest, I am sick of the rain and the havoc it is creating in my yard, but it is nice to see the reservoirs already full. Do you think Trinity lake will be full this summer?
  13. Thanks for the input So when I measure, do i convert into feet, or keep it in inches?
  14. I have a 1995 Stratos 268V. I am trying to determine how large the livewells and gas tank are. Does anyone happen to know how large both are? Also, does anyone know where I can find an owners manual for it. I have been searching the web without any luck. Thanks, Andrew
  15. My wife fishes with me every time I go. She has her own tackle, buys her own gear and baits her own hook. She has even taken over the responsibility of running the Go-pro. She does not usually out catch me, but she does catch better quality fish. She even cleans them when we decide to keep a few for dinner. On top of her, there are 3 or 4 women at my work that own their own bass boats and fish regularly.
  16. I thought it might have been Bullards Bar. Couple of my buddies thought it might have been Oroville due tot he video (the portion of the lake shown in the video looks very similar to Oroville). Anyways, thanks for the info.
  17. Does anyone know what lake he caught the fish in?
  18. Glenn, were you finger waving and head bobbing when you wrote this?
  19. Well im at 73 posts (so maybe 50 meaningful) maybe ill be eligible for this next year, seems like an awesome idea.
  20. Its mostly spotted bass but we usually land one or two small mouth a trip. There used to be a healthy population of florida strain lmb but they have declined quite a bit since their heyday in the late 70s. The lakes water level fluctuates a lot every year (drawdowns as low as 170ft from full pool some times) and the lmb dont seem to survive as well in the lake
  21. About 98% finesse fish due to the fact that it is what I catch fish on. I try power fishing and rarely have success so I go back to what I am comfortable with.
  22. Its been a while since I posted a report or had anything worth posting about. The wife and I went out on Sunday and were met with some COLD weather (at least for a Cali boy). Weather started about 35 degrees and never got above 45. There was not too much wind and the bite was very slow. All together my wife and I landed 8 bass, 7 of them keepers and 6 were around 2 lbs (not to bad for Shasta). I could not get on a pattern as I only landed 3 bass for the day, all on different baits. I landed 1 on a 1/2 oz football jig with a six inch GYCB single tail grub, 1 on a 1/4 oz ball head jig with a five inch curly tail grub, and 1 on a 1 oz tailspin (my first bass on this bait). My wife found some success on a 1/4 oz ball head jig with a five inch curly tail grub, as she landed all five of her bass using this. Today was the first day this year that neither of use caught at least one using drop shot. Even though it was a slow day, still worth the time and effort and still fun being with the wife. My biggest of the day (caught in the mouth of a small waterfall) Biggest of the day (my wife is very adept at making bass look their biggest) Only posted this picture because it was the first bass caught on a tail spin and my first on my Heavy casting rod
  23. Now I did not even come close to 200 days (probably in the 75-100 days range) I will say it is easy to stay married and fish that much. Just bring the wife with you.
  24. This has got to go in the books as one of the top 5 World Series ever
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