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Everything posted by AndrewJ

  1. Those are some nice fish A-Jay. And that Smallie is one beautiful specimen.
  2. We all like to brag, that's the whole reason this thread exists haha.
  3. Its the best fishing game ive played, just wish it had a boating component
  4. There is fishing Planet on ps4, you can get it for free if you have PS network
  5. Stay relaxed more often when I am on the water. Take my dad and mom fishing at least 5 times each this next year.
  6. I know there is already a catch pic thread and probably numerous other ways to brag about the best bass you have caught, but I thought it would be cool to have it all in one place. Feel free to post about how you caught it, or just post a picture. I caught my personal best, 4 lbs 9 oz Spot, using a tri-colored grub on a 1/4 oz ball head. I threw it down a rock wall and bam, PB.
  7. Read minds, working in a correctional setting this would come in so handy
  8. Scarlett Johansson
  9. Dang it, the bait monkey jumped up and bit me *total Forrest Gump reference* And i still plan on posting pictures when it comes in.
  10. Restock my roboworms and dropshot hooks. Replenish my ball head jigs and some GY grubs and that puts me at about 50.
  11. I didnt bother asking the wife since its 30 hours away and 2000 miles haha
  12. Hmmm, well day 17, 20 and 21 might offer me somethings i would interested in. Thanks for posting
  13. Out of curiosity, is anyone else disappointed so far in TW's 25 days of sales?
  14. Went out with a buddy of mine Friday morning. We got on the water at 9 and headed back in at 1. Launched out of Jones Valley. To my surprise there were about 10 rigs already parked along the ramp. We headed way up the Pit arm of the lake and settled on an inlet filled with trees. I starting fishing using a drop shot roboworm, while my buddy was fishing grubs. I instantly hooked up on a small bass, jigging my rig right at the base of a tree. By the end of the day, I had caught 10 bass, while my buddy ( who refuses to drop shot) only landed 1. We missed about as many strikes as we landed and saw trout chasing our baits several times. I found most of my success was deep, in the 35-50 foot range and the water had a cooled quite a bit since my last trip (54.5 degrees). I landed 5 keepers, with three nice spots, 1 at 2.5 lbs and the other two right at 2 lbs. I have two pictures, but my buddy was not in the mood to take a third picture of me, haha.
  15. Sounds fun, wish one day this road trip would come to california, either clear lake or the Delta.
  16. Went out with a buddy Friday morning for about 4 hours. I caught three nice spots, Only two pictured as I out-caught my buddy 10-1 and he was no longer interested in taking my picture, haha. 1st picture - 2.5 lbs spot caught drop shotting a tree. 2nd picture - 2 lbs spot dead sticking a roboworm
  17. Based on the websites being provided, I would say it was a Crucian carp.
  18. I use spinning gear about 97% of the time. I do own three casting setups, but i have no confidence in them and I have yet to figure out how to set the hook with one, as weird as that may be. I also predominately finesse fish, so spinning gear works much better for me.
  19. Went fishing with the wife for the first time in 5 months. Had a pretty good day with some nice spots and a bunch of garden variety ones as well.
  20. Shasta Lake has been producing quite a few Rainbow Trout for me lately, with four rainbows caught the past two trips and a fifth one that broke off at the boat. My wife also caught an aggressive blue gill using a ned rig which was a first for us.
  21. Went fishing yesterday (11/18) and it was a cold one to begin with. 31 degrees at the house when we left at 0715. On the water by 0830, had the boat back on the trailer by 1530. It was fun to finally have my wife back as my fishing partner (she had been out for the past 5 months with a back injury). We caught 22 fish in total. To both of our surprises, we landed 3 rainbow trout and had a 4th break off at the boat. My wife also added a nice sized blue gill and what I think was a mean mouth. The rest of our fish were spots, most were common variety 12-14 inch bass. Did land a nice 15.5 inch spot that weight near 2 lbs. Big trout of the day was right around 16 inches. Could not get on any sort of real pattern, but the Pit River Bridge did give us six bass for one location. .
  22. Well took dad out last time so it was mom's turn. Hate to say it, but she is a better bass fisher than dad is. We had a great day and the weather cooperated. Mom even caught her personal best 2.5 lbs smallmouth. Caught this trout while working out a knot in the line. Once I got the knot out, I was reeling in fast to make another cast and the trout just slammed my grub.
  23. Well it wasnt a monster, but Dad finally caught a bass in my boat. It took three trips, but he finally did it. Havent seen him smile like that very often, really cool experience.
  24. Finally got the boat on the lake as it has been sitting in a shop waiting for the axle to be repaired on the trailer. Got out to the lake around 0930 but forgot the key to the boat at home. So after some choice words, we headed home and retrieved the key. We dropped in at Packer's Bay and finally got onto the lake at 1115. We shot straight over to the other side of the pit river bridge and started fishing. My wife was using a NED rig in coppertreuse on a 1/10 oz head. I was throwing a 5 inch grub on a 1/4 ball head. She instantly started hooking up and landed 4 fish before i wised up and switched to the same bait. We fished the coves near the bridge and then the main body of the lake for around 3 hours, then it started to get too hot for us and we headed back home. All in all we caught 19, Jamie landed 12 and I landed the other 7. Dinks are to take over the lake but we did land 8 keepers and a couple of nice fish. Biggest was 16 1/2 inch spotted bass. Jamie's biggest of the day was right around 15 inches.
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