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Everything posted by AndrewJ

  1. Weirdest sight for a California boy was seeing people sunbathing on snow when it hit 20 degrees in Iowa
  2. My favorite is the Mitchell 308PRO, it is very smooth and is on virtually all of my spinning set ups. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Mitchell_300PRO_Spinning_Reels/descpage-MPS.html
  3. Im lucky if I get in 2 - 3 days a month. Between work and my other hobbies (mainly softball tournaments), I just dont seem to get out very often. I mainly fish shasta which is about 30 miles from the house and my truck drinks fuel like I do beer in the summers, so that limits it as well.
  4. The only time I have broke the hook was trying to get the hook out of the mouth of the fish.
  5. Welcome, happy to have you on board.
  6. So the wife and I decided to take advantage of her having a rare Monday off. We headed up to Jones Valley and launched about 8 am; like normal, the ramp was already full of trucks and trailers. We fished for about 3 hours before the wind took off and it became no fun. The wife and I caught 19 total, 17 bass and two 15 inch rainbows. We did most of our damage using a ned rig with shad colored hula stix. I did catch a few using a weighted wacky rigged senko deep, 30 - 50 feet, but they were the smaller of the bass caught. All in all it was a fun day. Now for the valuable lesson learned. I imagine most people on this forum already knew to do this, but I had to learn the hard way. Always have a backup clip for your kill-switch. Ours broke about 2 hours into the trip and I had to drive back holding my kill-switch in place and fighting the wind. I now have 3 clips in the boat just to be safe.
  7. Thanks for the info
  8. Does this come in a floatation style, you know, two birds one stone
  9. I am curious if there are any bass clubs, especially those welcoming of people new to clubs, in the Redding, CA area?
  10. My wife and I have Mitchell 308PROs on almost everyone of our set ups. It is incredibly smooth for a $70 reel. I have no advice on the rods, any number of them are good.
  11. I had the same luck as you, the biggest bass I caught this past year came on a 4.5 inch roboworm on a dropshot.
  12. I second this. Any time I make a sandwich it doesnt get eaten until the ride home. I usually dont bring a lunch. Plus my trips usually only go for about 6 hours at most. I just grab a bite to eat on my way out to the lake.
  13. This may have to be my favorite post so far on this thread. "has an interior design background" this is too funny
  14. Fishing off the coast of Brookings, Oregon with a whale surfacing in the background.
  15. Fair enough, I already have a unit mounted just looking to upgrade
  16. this is true, but my dash will only accommodate a 5 inch and im not interested in a RAM mount.
  17. So im not really looking to buy one yet, just starting some research. I was wondering what everyone thought about these two units. I will be buying the 5 inch version, but I wanted to know what the difference between the two units (Lowrance Elite and Hummingbird helix) are and which is more user friendly?
  18. Thats the whole reason I started this thread. I needed a place to brag and boast about my dog and I knew I wasn't the only one. Silver weighs in at 135 now, but he did get up to 160 at one point. He is calm and very much people oriented. He does love to talk to us and often times does it when I am trying to sleep, so that is a complete pain.
  19. how much did kodi weigh?
  20. Very sad to hear of this. My thoughts go out to you and your family. My grandfather passed about 10 years ago from Alzheimer's. By the time he passed, he had reverted back to a child's mentality, he was scared of everything and he had no idea who we were. He would swear that his family was trying to poison him. I am thankful that your father passed peacefully and was still himself until the end.
  21. I just wanted to post a normal picture of Silver This is him filling out my wife's shirt BTW I love to see all the dogs that people have rescued. We rescued Silver from a shelter. He had been living there for over 2 years and no one would adopt him. We have had him for 2 1/2 years and we fall more in love with him every day.
  22. That had to make the rest of your work day a breeze man, nice fatty
  23. Welcome to the forum and best of luck with your hunt.
  24. Well I tried looking through the forums, as i swear I saw a thread about showing off your animals. Needless to say I could not find it. I wanted to post a picture of my boy, Silver. He is a 135 lbs Cane Corso Mastiff, and he was not thrilled about this picture. Feel encouraged to show off your pets.
  25. Yea my wife and I play a decent amount. I also play Madden ALOT. You should check out fishing planet, i think you can still get it free from PS plus.
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