I hear you on that. Although it wasn't a bank fishing experience, i had a run in on July 3rd that exemplifies what fires me (& I assume you as well) up.
I was in my boat, it was about 10 am & I skipped a weightless Senko under a dock, only to get hung up on the bottom. As I moved forward to try to retrieve my snag, there were a half dozen Canada geese near the dock to my left (25 feet away). They got a little concerned as I got closer, but because I was moving slowly & not at them, they never panicked, they just swam off. As I am trying to loosen the hook from the snag, the homeowner (a guy in his 60's wearing a Covid mask) from the dock to my left comes down from his porch and addresses me:
Him - "What are you doing?"
Me - "My lure is snagged, I am getting it back"
Him - "Well, stop bothering the geese"
Me - "I'm not bothering the geese, I am just retrieving my lure"
Him - "No, you are bothering the geese. Stop it"
Me - "I'm not bothering them, I just came over to get my lure"
Him - "Well stop bothering the geese. I like to feed them off my dock"
On our lake, it is a rule that homeowners are not suppose to feed the migratory birds. The swans & coots that live here year round are okay to feed, but the HOA doesn't want to encourage migratory birds to come here and it is actually an issue to feed a protected migratory species because it changes their migration routine. So after being accused of doing something negative by someone who admitted to breaking the rules, I went on the offensive:
Me - "You aren't suppose to feed the Canada geese"
Him - "Says who"
Me - "The HOA. They are migratory birds & you aren't supposed to feed them"
Him - "Oh, BS, thats not a rule, you're lying"
Me - "No I'm not, you aren't supposed to feed the (expletive) geese.
Him - "Nobody tells me what to (expletive) do"
Me (laughing) - "You are wearing a (expletive) mask in your own backyard, yet no one tells you what to do?"
Him (tearing off mask) - "(expletive) you. You want to come over here & say that?"
Me - "Yeah right, I'm going to get in a fistfight over stupid birds"
I messed up by allowing the frustration to incite me to say the first curse word, between that & me laughing at him really set him off. The conversation disintegrated into a series of F Bombs back & forth, with him telling me 3 or 4 times to stop bothering the geese and me responding that he wasn't supposed to feed them. I saw his wife come out on the patio and call him back up to the house. As he turned to leave, he fired a final volley:
Him - "I've lived here a long time. I'll find out where you live and come get you"
Me - "You do that & I'll beat your (expletive) head in"
So I didn't handle it in the best possible manner. Before leaving the water that day, I did go over & talk to the HOA ranger, to let him know I had gotten into a verbal altercation & that I was guilty of letting the first curse word rip. The ranger listened to what I said & his response was "I have told that guy before to stop feeding the geese" ?
I haven't seen that man since and part of me wants to be the bigger man the next time I do, to stop by his dock if I see him, apologize for cursing during our conversation & let him know I was out of line. The other part of me says you can't reason with an unreasonable person and I am concerned that I will allow myself to get dragged into another dumb conversation about the stupid geese. Now that the geese have all left for their northern haunts, I'll probably get blamed for scaring them off. ?