As I read through these posts, I tried applying it to how I fish my small home lake. I get out on the water 50 - 75 times a year and have done so for 6 plus years, so I do know the lake pretty well. There are particular spots that produce nearly every time, but I realized that I don't gravitate to them when I get started each trip (I usually will hit them eventually in the day). Where I start and what I use is based on conditions, my memory & fish log guiding me. The feedback from the fish make me adjust accordingly until I can figure out what the bass are doing that day (which is based more on experience). So I would guess in my situation, I try to pattern the fish, aided by the knowledge of particular spots and the memory of how they have produced in the past.
That said, I do have 3 or 4 spots that rarely produce, but I can't figure out why not so I fish them nearly every time . For example, there is almost no brush on my home lake, so when a homeowner allows a tree to overhang down into the water, it is unique cover. One particular home has such a tree, isolated from other cover, near a retaining wall with deep water access close by. In the past year, I have caught exactly 2 fish off that spot (both over 3 lbs). It looks so good and everything seems to add up, but it almost always never produces. Of course, none of that stops me from going there again & again, coming up empty and shaking my head why.