It looks like the Elites are going to be 75 anglers instead of 80, either because BASS couldn't find 5 more anglers or they felt the quality of angler would be slipping if they chose whatever remaining anglers there were. I think that may end up being a positive, because by definition, Elite should be something scarce. You should have to prove yourself to make it.
There is talk of how the Elite series is minor league now with the angler changes. I think that is wishful thinking, for participants don't determine whether a league is minor or major, rather the other way around. Leagues, through attrition, determine which participants are considered major league versus minor league. As proof, ask yourself why those pros like Wheeler, Ehrler, Tharp and others who started & made money elsewhere became household names (as much as fishermen can) only after they joined the Elite series? All these guys have always have had top notch talent, but it wasn't until they made the major leagues (Elite Series) that they became known to the more casual observer. Most casual anglers did not know who Jordan Lee or Justin Lucas were five years ago. All that has really happened over the past few months is a bunch of the anglers have basically gone on strike & formed another league and a new set of anglers have taken their place in the Elite Series. Attrition at a steroid, artificial level.
Now, if BASS screws up and makes changes that diminish their league, then they may end up becoming minor league. MLF has an opportunity to surpass them as the premier league, but it won't because who they have attracted, it will be based on how their organization operates. We will find that out over the next 5-10 years, but in the meantime, the Elite Series still is the major league of bass fishing. IF it wasn't, I don't think Johnny Morris would have hedged his bet by signing a new sponsorship deal with them.