After years of playing BASS Fantasy Fishing, I realized a couple of events ago that when you went to the leaderboard section, you could tap on an event number to see who was leading that particular event (gimme a break, I'm old!). Anyway, when I did that for this event, I noticed something odd. Three of the top 5 point getters so far in this event did not play any of the previous 5 events. They have all zeros for events 1 thru 5 and now, in the first event they are playing, they nailed nearly all of the day 1 picks.
Without going down a conspiracy hole, I have a problem accepting this as being on the up & up. If someone is good enough to ace Fantasy Fishing, why would they not start picking teams until now? And 3 folks, all who have not played at all this year, make near perfect choices the 1st time they play? Something is fishy (pun intended).
My guess is there may be a glitch in the Fantasy Fishing registration that allows a first time player (or newly registered player) to make their choices sometime after fishing has already begun instead of cutting them off when the event starts. That doesn't guarantee you a win, but it does let you pick folks like Chad Pipkens & Garrett Paquette (both of whom were 1% choices) when you see they have a good bag early on. It would make sense this would show up more in this event than others because in this event, BASSTrak is 100% accurate (due to the catch, weigh, release format). In the other events, Basstrak is a guess and can often be off either way by a few pounds.
It may be my ego talking here, what with my choices getting pounded event after event, but I have a hard time believing folks are walking into their first event, and choosing 1%ers that just happen to have a big day 1.