I have a situation at my home lake that I think I understand, but am looking for some additional feedback to make sure.
The lake is a small (100 acre), shallow (max depth 12 ft) lake in Southern California. The contours of the lake are pretty much bowl shaped with little variance (i.e, no humps, shallow flats, etc). The primary cover most years are hundreds of docks (all in 5 feet of water or less) and undercuts at the base of many areas of the retaining wall (which circles the entire lake). Forage base is sunfish, crayfish & shore minnows with LMB & channel catfish being the predator species. There are no year round predatory fishing birds, occasionally a cormorant or two may show up on the water for a couple of days, but they are chased off by the HOA. The only other fish in the lake are common carp. The water level is kept stable, never varying by more than a foot and clarity is typically between 3 to 6 feet of visibility.
Most years, there is no vegetation for it is eradicated year round by the HOA. However, every 3 or 4 years, the HOA slips up in their control of the Bushy Pondweed that grows and in the late spring through mid fall, we end up with clumps throughout the lake in 5 to 8 feet of water, in open water areas of the lake. This vegetation never makes the surface , the closest it tends to get is 2 feet or so from the top. There never is any growth shallow or near the docks.
So during summertime of the"normal" years, when there is no vegetation, the docks are the default home for the bass. They cruise around them in the low light times & hang out under them during bright hours. However, in the years when the open water vegetation is present, the number of bass who use the docks for cover falls dramatically. There are still some during low light hours, however, those areas become a wasteland for the most part during bright times. I am assuming the deeper water and oxygen produced by the weedbeds during daylight hours changes the behaviors of the bass during the years we have the vegetation. I haven't been as consistent in figuring the fish out during these times, I'll always find some but they seem so much more spread out and more difficult to pattern consistently. I have seen huge schools of bass roaming through the pondweed & they are catchable, but the are much more pelagic than the other years. On non-vegetation years, the fish tend to be in smaller groups and more homebody's, staying in the same area for weeks at a time.
Does it sound like I am understanding the influence vegetation has on the basses behavior or am I missing something?