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Everything posted by NathanDLTH

  1. I cannot speak to the Destroyer Evoluzion, a locally guy who does a lot of high end gear reviews I believe had one and wasn't that impressed. Megabass is really known for great reaction rods, but that was his opinion. Look him up on youtube: Punchfishing.
  2. I would not punch with the Matt Buckler, the Orochi Destruction would be the better option. If that is a spot in your arsenal you need to fill.
  3. What are you looking for in terms of info or rod purchase? I have a couple of P5s, 2 Trizas (traveling rods), and a few Orochis, 2 Levantes. Are you looking for info specifically on the Destroyer Evolution? For me, Megabass rods are just unique in the sense that they offer a lot of rods that can be very technique specific or hidden multi-purpose rods that was glossed over. The rod that started it all for me was looking for a frog rod that wasn't the typical US frog rod. I ended buying an Orochi XXX Destruction (JDM) and my hook up ratio jumped. Top it off, I could throw heavier baits (up to 2oz) which allowed me to mess around with swimbaits and glidebaits. Even now, the majority of my rods are Megabass because frankly I like the product they produce from rods to baits. I've fished Loomis, Daiwa, Dobyns and a handful of others but do really enjoy my Megabass rods.
  4. You won't be disappointed in either, I have a couple Steez's and had a Steez A. Great reels.
  5. Both these will offer a lot of what you are looking for in a new rod, great price point options used or new, if you buy used the warranty does not transfer from previous owner. The whipsnake is a Medium Light, excellent finesse bait up to 5/16oz or 3/8. Drop shots well, neds do good too. Shakyhead is a medium at F3.5 whereas the Whipsnake is a F3. If you have any texas rigged baits then the shakyhead is the direction you want to go, more power for setting the hook and a little more length. These are excellent rods. The only other rod I'd recommend would the Xprides, excellent value!
  6. I'll admit that is my struggle too often lol! I've had to force myself to become better at casting.
  7. It will fish a ned and drop shot just fine, I just got mine and have found it pretty versatile so far. I’ve thrown mostly small swimbaits with it that have a lite hook. It’s well versed. Good rod. This is the Orochi XX.
  8. Megabass has a three year non-transferable warranty just to clear the water. First replacement is on them I believe. https://megabassusa.com/rod-warranty/
  9. If you are competent with a baitcaster then I'd get a 7'MH/F, if you struggle get a Medium/F Spinning rod and a good reel. Good here is subjective so the best that doesn't break the bank. Also what type of cover are you fishing? Are the lakes and ponds choked with weeds, sparse cover, or more open water?
  10. I’ll run 12-20lb, or go straight braid depending on the weeds. For you 12-15 sounds about right.
  11. I own and fish the Megabass Triza Dragoon, it’s 7’2 Heavy rated 1/2-3oz and comes with two tip sections: fast and regular. This would be one of the better choices out there. https://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1066_2960&products_id=16985 The other rods I’d recommend looking at are the Megabass World Expedition rods, three piece rods and I think would fit what you’re looking for. https://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1066_3286 Both rods are north of $300 and are premium rods.
  12. The new Zillion SV is pretty awesome for the price.
  13. Any medium light, 1/8 or under is my preference. 7’ and up for rod length.
  14. Thanks for all the response, these are good and helpful. Much appreciated.
  15. Roger that would depend on your budget and what you’re trying to spend. Typically a Medium Heavy/Fast action something 7-7’5 is what you’re looking for.
  16. Here’s the skinny and I think you’ve made a good choice with the Braillist. I’ve own several Megabass rods from Levante all the way up to P5 Destroyer. Of all the rods I’ve used, I’ve only broken two, both were my fault and I should of handled the situations better. First was the headlock on the reel seat, overtorqued it and broke it on my Orochi XXX Destruction and then on my Orochi XX Tour Versatile I snapped the tip off after getting my frog stuck in a tree. I’m not overall hard on my rods, but I am a bank buster so they are treated like safe queens. The ride around in the back of my 4Runner and still haven’t had a rod snap like a few people have experienced. Rods break, the down side Megabass have a three year warranty. First one is covered by them, next you pay 60% of cost, third I believe is retail. This is one of the downsides when buying Megabass rods used or even new. Current Megabass rods: Levante Perfect Pitch Levante EMTF Orochi XX Enforcer Orochi XX Whipsnake Triza Grilz Triza Dragoon P5 Destroyer TB Ive had: Orochi XX Braillist Tour Versatile Jerkbait Special Flat Side Special P5 Destroyer Super Destroyer Wind Buster Bottom line-if you’re gonna abuse your gear get the Levante line, if you take care of it get the Orochi. Breaks happen. Our equipment is man made, which means we can break it just as easily. Above all: it’s fishing, have fun. You don’t need a line up like mine to enjoy it.
  17. Thank you. Good question. The fact we bash people over gear and what we spend is ridiculous.
  18. Sunline Assassin or Sniper, Seagur Inviz-x
  19. Guess this has been covered. Okay, thanks.
  20. Am I missing something? Or are guys just getting soft and threads getting locked because of it?
  21. Bassheads, I’ve traveled the road of fishing gear ie tackle, rods, reels, line and short of buying a boat or going hardcore swimbaits a lot of time has gone into gear. By gear I mean rods more then anything else, I spend more time and money frankly on rods then anything else. Lately, I find myself going deeper into rods. I’ve bought and sold enough to make most people sick. Not trying to justify my habit or desire, but I’m trying ti understand this hole I am going down. Please help me out here, I’m half tempted to sell off the higher end stuff and be content with the middle of the road rods which perform just as well.
  22. Lews are solid reels but I prefer Daiwa, that’s me. I’m sure it will work out, as for the rod choice look at the Dobyns Fury. If you’re looking for heavy, then the 735, run flouro on it and you’ll be good to go for jigs and Texas rigs, run braid and you can frog n flip and light punch with it.
  23. When it comes to spinning rods I struggle with my hook sets at times, but what I’ve done to change that. This happens especially with shaky heads, instead of having it Texas rigged, I’ll skin hook it on the worm I’m throwing. Also using a medium powered rod has helped too. In terms of Texas rigs on a baitcaster, braid to fluorocarbon helps, I run 30-50lb depending on what I’m fishing for cover. From there the drag is locked down, I don’t want any slip. Depending on the bait and how far the hook has to go for penetration helps me determine if I need to skin hook the bait or leave it in the plastic. Rod-I’m typically using a medium heavy, so there is plenty of power when I go to set the hook, plus the braid helps because there isn’t any stretch.
  24. For that rod, I’d look at the Daiwa Regal or Fuego, but a better option would be a used Tatula LT. Those Kage rods fish above their price. I had the 6’10 medium/fast and wouldn’t hesitate buying more of them.
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