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Everything posted by jdw174

  1. Pop-R's, Spittin' Image, Zara Spook, just to name 3 more....
  2. Bill Norman, Cotton Cordell, Bandit.....they're good lures that won't break the bank for just one.
  3. Johnson Silver Minnow w/pork or plastic trailer. An oldie, but a goodie . Another great spoon is the Mepps Timber Doodle.
  4. I drive a 2005 Tacoma w/V6 and pull a TR20 behind it. It's not a 4wd and I have no trouble whatsoever getting up a ramp at the end of the day. I do have electronic posi-traction that I can engage if I happen to slip, but it hasn't happened yet. 20mpg around town/back and forth to work.....24 on long trips. About 15-16 while towing. If you're using dirt ramps that can get muddied up or paved ramps that might ice up then I'd say go for the 4wd. My personal choice would be the V6 for the engine, however.
  5. At my end, early in the day is best. During the week, around 4PM when I get home from work, it gets so bad I just wait until the next AM to log back in. I imagine the afternoon sees a lot of traffic here and the band width has a hard time keeping up.
  6. +1 for this one. I like the 7' for jigging/worming as well.
  7. To my knowledge, The "Iron" doesn't use magnets. I stripped mine all the way down this year and oiled the bearings, greased gears, and it's better than ever. You might want to contact ReelMech here on the board and see what he's got to add.
  8. If it's just water-related scum, etc., try something like Simple Green (available at Wallyworld), or Castrol SuperCleen (available same place in automotive dept). I've used the Castrol product, mixed per instructions on the jug, and once it's sprayed on you can see the crud running off the boat. Spray it, let set for a minute or two, then take a scrub brush to it. Should come squeaky clean.
  9. That's a new one on me. I can't think of any reason for spraying attractant on the line/spool unless they feel that the oils used in the attractant slick up the line for better casting. Seems like a waste to me, but then I don't profess to know everything
  10. I think you're making a wise decision, especially with the cost of fuel, not to mention the cost of a bigger rig. I"ve been fortunate in where I've lived in that I never had to make a longer drive than about 30 minutes to wherever I wanted to fish.
  11. Never had them call me, but I often get the "your membership is about to expire" deal in the mail. I just ignore it until it's time to renew.
  12. a cheap battery tester would be the ticket if you don't have a sealed unit. You can have one bad cell and 5 good ones and many times it will show charged. I'd pull the battery and take it to a shop where they can check it for you.
  13. You could do worse than a Javelin. On the water test is a must, and a check up by a mechanic as well. Make sure everything on the boat is working, no stress cracks, etc. Check the NADA guide for used boats (available here on the website).
  14. A big congrats to my favorite angler for winning his second Elite Series in a month 8-) . The man is a fishing machine!! All fish came on a new shad finished CB he designed for Strike King. Apparently, finishes will vary according to the part of the country it will be sold in so that it "matches the hatch" for the type of shad found there. (Article on another site site). Not yet available in stores but should be soon
  15. Palomar all the way.....except for spinner/buzzbaits......... 8-)
  16. In my case at the end of a day's worth of casting/pitching lures, it leads to sore shoulders : Lately I've been having trouble with my wrist and have to make all my casts two-handed. Thank God for two-handed handles
  17. The only noises you have to fear are those made by banging something around in the boat. Noises made above water, i.e. talking, singing, or whatever, will have little if any effect on the fish.
  18. If I'm tying on a lipless CB, the first one I pick up is a 1/2oz Cordell Spot, chrome/black back that is so beat up from catching fish that it looks like it got beat with razor wire and the nose is a disaster from being banged into objects But they still blast it. I've tried Rattletraps from time to time, but I just can't warm up to them. I do like the looks of the new Strike King RedEye's and intend to get a couple.
  19. 1. I use a "Jimmy Houston Knot" which isn't much more than a double Trilene knot. 2. I NEVER tie on a spinnerbait without a trailer hook. I've caught far too many fish on that trailer hook to ever go without it. 3. I wouldn't go to an all chartreuse SB unless the water was extremely stained/muddy. My favorite colors are (in no particular order): white, white/chartreuse, blue/white/chartreuse. My favorite type would be a 1/2oz double willow leaf. You should have confidence to throw one. They're fish catching fools 8-) Vary your retrieve until you see what they want. I fish Kentucky and Barkley lakes and I doubt there's a bass that swims in either of those lakes that can't give you the name, size, and color combination of every spinnerbait made ;D but they still blast them.
  20. Watermelon/red flake in soft plastic. For a jig, I'd use what Denny Brauer calls "Texas Craw". It's a combination of dark/lt brown with a strand or two of black tossed in. Trailer can be either brown or black. In clear water it was always a killer for me.
  21. If it were me, I'd ask to have it checked over by a mechanic first, then go from there. Or at the very least, an on the water check.
  22. Retired Pa State Trooper. Currently work golf course maintenance at Paris Landing State Park in NW TN.
  23. I"ve lived practically on the shore of Kentucky Lake for the past 10 years, but my "home water" will always be Lake Erie/Presque Isle Bay out of Erie, Pa.
  24. My question is why are they fishing FLW vs FLW and BASS vs BASS thru the eliminations? Why not make it FLW vs BASS all the way thru to the finals? Of course, it could end up being FLW vs FLW or vice versa in the finals.....
  25. Not trying to be a smarta** here, but the only way you'll see 80 out of a TR21 with a 225 Opti is going down the interstate. If you call the factory they'll connect you to someone who can definitely put your setup in the ballpark. Jackplates need to be adjusted just a little at a time....a real PITA if it's a manual plate. Sometimes as little as 1/4" can make a difference. If your TR21 is an older model, they were known for their chine-walking which sounds like what you're experiencing. Seat time will help you to learn to drive thru it. A proper setup will help alleviate most of it. You may want to experiment with props also. Properly set up, I would expect your rig to be a low-mid 70's outfit with a full load and running flat-out. You didn't say if you have a GPS to check speed, but most Tritons I've seen (I own one) are 5mph fast on the speedometer. The newer hulls (X2 series) supposedly don't chine-walk and are much steadier to drive. They're also a tad slower than the older boats.
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