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Everything posted by jdw174

  1. I use my worm/jigging rod for pitching a lure....something with a bit of tip action. I prefer rods of 7' in length, although I've done it with 6'6" rods and even 6' at times. I pitch small crankbaits and spinnerbaits as well as soft plastics and jigs. If you don't like BC tackle, you can pitch quite well with spinning gear although you need to practice feathering the lure into the water. The key is to have the lure land very softly.
  2. The surface temp might be 94, but the temp at 20-30 feet is a lot cooler. That's why they're there and not up top I've done my share of vertical jigging with Silver Buddies and jigging spoons. It's important to watch your line. If you raise the lure and then drop it back and your line starts coiling on the surface....SET THE HOOK!! Many of your strikes will come as the lure is falling. I've caught a ton of smallies when I went to snap the lure upwards, only to just about get my arm broken
  3. Another vote for co-polymer. I use nothing but Silver Thread.
  4. I work on a golf course in West TN and snakes are a common occurrence. We have a ton of the King Snakes and black racers. Blue racers are not real common, but I've found a couple of them in the back yard. Cottonmouths are common on the lake and we've "dispatched" two of the biggest Copperheads I've ever seen this year on the course. Those buggers have a real temper, BTW.
  5. I''m partial to Cordell Spots...............
  6. jdw174


    Ask the walleye fishermen on Lake Erie whether it works or not. It may not attract them, but it doesn't scare them away, either. Sorta like regular fish attractant.
  7. Try a Mepps Timber Doodle. If you can find one hanging around someplace in a dusty old tackle shop, an Ozark Mountain Kingfisher is super.
  8. jdw174


    I've been using Pop-R's ever since the craze hit some years ago. They had been dropped from Rebel's line until a couple of the pros won some tx's with them and Rebel brought them back. If you have a rod with the right action, you can "walk the dog" with them. If you're "target" fishing, i.e. bushes, stickups, etc., I've had great success by casting past the target, then BURNING it with a series of quick, hard pops, right up to the target and then just killing it right there and letting it set for a second or two. Some people replace the rear treble with one dressed with chicken feathers for more attraction.
  9. You have a pack of the Sluggo "SS" lures. Don't ask what the "SS" stood for, cuz I don't think they ever said. I still have a few, and quite frankly I never had any success with them at all. I much prefer the original's. Way back when Charlie Ingram was hooked up with Lunker City as a sponsor, he did a show on the SS series. Naturally he caught all kinds of bass : . He mentioned that they were most effective during either the pre or post-spawn periods. Can't really remember which. All I know is that they never worked for me. As lively as that tail is, it could possibly make a decent dropshot or shakeyhead bait. Might be worth a try.
  10. While this may be so in some instances, I always had my best luck actually twitching it so hard that it jumped out of the water like a shad, then killing it for a second or two. I'd really burn it. worked great.
  11. Bandit - Series 100, Footloose Bill Norman - Mad N
  12. I even saw one advertised somewhere that had wheels already attached
  13. Here are two "NEVER's" that can help. NEVER close the bail by cranking the handle. NEVER reel against the drag (puts beaucoup more twist in your line).
  14. Dead level is the only way to fly. Can't tell you the number of boats I've seen going down the highway (and other trailers as well) that were too high/low and were all over the road. Not a good thing.
  15. I agree here. Beginning around 2000 model year (give or take a year), all Ficht engines were Evinrudes. Same goes for E-TEC motors. The Johnsons are just regular, carbed 2-strokes.
  16. run a google search on tactical or survival knives. You'll find just about anything your heart desires . SOG, Columbia River are a couple that come to mind. Also check into Kershaw.
  17. For a light flippin/pitchin' stick, I don't think there's a better buy than the Team Daiwa Light & Tough Denny Brauer model at $129. Rated at 1/4 - 1 1/2oz lures, it has good tip action for the lighter baits. Only downside to your criteria is that it is a telescoping action.
  18. If this makes you feel better about calling DualPro...........I once saw the email on another board for the owner of DualPro. I emailed him and told him how happy I was with the unit, how old it was, and how I'd buy another if this one ever went bad. He mailed me right back, thanked me for the kind words and told me to contact them when the time came and they'd fix me up with a good buy on a new one.
  19. I subscribed to it for a couple of years. I really enjoyed the boat tests, but IMO, they were (as were all their test articles), "puff pieces" as we used to say in the writing game. In other words, it was the old "I never met a boat/motor/accessory I didn't like" type of article.
  20. The TM was bad, but if I had just laid out the $$$ for one of those 'Bird units and had that happen I'd have gone into a case of the screamin' meemies. I'd be interested in Humminbird's response to this.
  21. You might try a Google search for something like this. Last time I read an article on the "fake" mounts (and that was several years ago), the cost was something in the area of 2-300 bucks if I recall correctly. Depends on the size of the mount.
  22. Call Dual Pro and tell them your problems. I bet they make you a great offer on another one. Mine is 10 years old (3-bank) and has run 24/7 all that time and still going strong. I'd buy another in a heartbeat!
  23. Bought one this past spring. I like it......the fish don't . Haven't even had a blowup on it. Went back to my old standbys.....and all was well again
  24. Have you tried just plain old letting the engine warm up a bit before you put it in gear?
  25. I have a rear projection Pioneer 52" that is now about 6-7 years old. It's an HD model (if I had any HD). The picture is great and I've no complaints.....except that my recliner sets off to one side a bit. That does compromise the picture somewhat. It's made to be watched "dead on"....not off to one side or another. Likewise with the sound. The speakers in that set rival many stereos I've heard and if you're setting directly in front of it it's almost like having surround sound.
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